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Enum PbrMaterialFeatures

Flags specific to the PbrMaterial.

enum class Microsoft::Azure::RemoteRendering::PbrMaterialFeatures : int32_t


Name Value Description Remarks
PbrMaterialFeatures::None 0
PbrMaterialFeatures::TransparentMaterial 1 The material is transparent. The amount of transparency is defined by the alpha value of the albedo color and optionally the alpha of the vertex color. See PbrVertexAlphaMode for how the vertex color can affect transparency.
PbrMaterialFeatures::UseVertexColor 2 Use the vertex color (if provided by the mesh). This has to be enabled for the PbrMaterial.PbrVertexAlphaMode to take effect.
PbrMaterialFeatures::DoubleSided 4 The material is rendered double-sided. Otherwise back-faces may be culled, depending on the selected SingleSidedMode.
PbrMaterialFeatures::SpecularHighlights 8 Enables specular highlights for this material.
PbrMaterialFeatures::AlphaClipped 16 Enables hard cut-outs on a per-pixel basis based on the alpha value being below PbrMaterial.AlphaClipThreshold. This works for opaque materials as well.
PbrMaterialFeatures::FadeToBlack 32 If enabled, this material fades to black as opposed to fading to transparent when using PbrMaterial.FadeOut. Fading to black has the same effect on see-through devices like HoloLens but has significantly lower rendering cost.
PbrMaterialFeatures::FresnelEffect 64 If enabled this material will have a Fresnel effect additively added to the rendering of the base material. Use the FresnelEffectExponent and FresnelEffectColor to control the effect visuals.
PbrMaterialFeatures::TransparencyWritesDepth 128 Toggles transparency depth writes. Objects rendered transparently do not contribute to the depth buffer as a default. Set this to true if objects associated with this material should write depth. Enabling this on transparent materials can improve the re-projection behavior of transparent objects, and hologram stability by consequence. See the respective LSR documentation for details.

See also