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DbDataReader class in the Siebel adapter

The Data Provider for Siebel provides a DbDataReader leveraging the XML Data Reader. This provides the consumer of the Siebel data source the ability to read a forward-only stream of rows.

Supported Properties

The Data Provider for Siebel supports the following DbDataReader properties.

Name Get/Set Description
HasRows Get This property is not supported, and will throw an exception if accessed.
IsClosed Get Gets a value indicating whether the DbDataReader is closed.
RecordsAffected Get Gets a value indicating whether the DbDataReader contains one or more rows.
Item(Int32) Get Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of Object. Use the ordinal number for the desired column when invoking this indexer.
Item(String) Get Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of Object. Use the name of the desired column when invoking this indexer.

Supported Methods

The Data Provider for Siebel supports the following DbDataReader methods.

Name Description
GetSchemaTable Returns a DataTable that describes the column metadata of the DbDataReader. The schema column attributes supported by the Data Provider for Siebel are:

- ColumnName
- ColumnOrdinal
- .NET DataType
- Length
- Precision (if available)
- Scale (if available)
- AllowDBNull
- LocalName
- Extended LocalName
- Namespace
GetString Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of String.
GetValue Gets the value of the specified column as an instance of String.
isDbNull Gets a value that indicates whether the column contains nonexistent or missing values.
NextResult The Siebel Data Provider always returns a single result set; hence this call fully exhausts the current result set before returning false.
Read Advances the reader to the next record in a result set. It returns true if it succeeds, and false if the reader has no more records left.
Close Closes the DbDataReader object. Caution: When you are done using the DbDataReader object, you must close it, in order to free up the Siebel COM library objects. Otherwise, the client application’s memory and handle usage will go up.

See Also

Extend ADO.NET Interfaces with the Siebel adapter