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Use performance counters with the Oracle Database adapter

Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack clients can use performance counters to gauge the performance of the adapters. The BizTalk Adapter Pack setup program creates the performance counter category BizTalk .NET Adapter for Oracle DB along with installing the BizTalk Adapter Pack.

LOB Time (Cumulative) Performance Counter

The BizTalk .NET Adapter for Oracle DB category has one performance counter called the “LOB Time (Cumulative).” This performance counter denotes the time, in milliseconds, that the LOB client library takes to complete an action that the adapter initiates. The Oracle Database adapter creates an instance of the performance counter in any of the following patterns:

<process id>:<app domain id>:<oracle data source>:<string>

Where "string" could be:

  • Connection.Open

  • Connection.Close

  • Metadata

  • Message action. For example, if the action is http://Microsoft.LobServices.OracleDB/2007/03/SCOTT/Table/EMP/Insert then the string will be SCOTT.Table.EMP.Insert.

    The Oracle data source is the same as specified in the connection URI.

    The performance counter is initialized only after the adapter makes the first call to the Oracle database. Also, the InstanceLifetime property of the performance counter is set to 'Process', which means that the performance counter ceases to exist as soon as the program that creates the counter terminates. For more information about the InstanceLifetime property, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=104181.


The precision of the LOB Time (Cumulative) performance counter is 16 milliseconds.

Enabling Performance Counters

The performance counters can be enabled or disabled by setting the binding property EnablePerformanceCounters. To enable performance counters, set the EnablePerformanceCounters binding property to True. To disable performance counters, set EnablePerformanceCounters to False. By default, EnablePerformanceCounters is set to False.

Performance Counters and the WCF LOB Adapter SDK

Changing the value of the EnablePerformanceCounters binding property also changes the value of the corresponding performance counter for the WCF LOB Adapter SDK. Also, the binding property for the WCF LOB Adapter SDK is static, whereas that for the BizTalk Adapter Pack is dynamic. Therefore, if there are two instances of the Oracle Database adapter binding in the AppDomain, and the EnablePerformanceCounters binding property is set to True in one and False in the other, the adapter-specific performance counter will be enabled in one and disabled in the other. However, because the binding property for WCF LOB Adapter SDK is static, it will either be set to True or False depending on what value was specified last.

See Also

Troubleshoot the Oracle Database adapter