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Verifying a Message

This section describes how to verify a message that has been repaired.

To verify a message

  1. In Internet Explorer, open your MRSR site at http://localhost/sites/bassite.

  2. In the Home window, click Documents.

  3. In the Documents window, under Document Libraries, click <Department name>_Verifier.

  4. In the Verify window, click Inbox.

  5. In the Verify Inbox window, point to the title of the message, click the arrow to the right of the message title, and then click Edit in Microsoft Office InfoPath.

  6. In the File Download dialog box, click Open.

  7. In the Current Roles: RekeyVerify pane of the OfficeInfoPath 2007 window, click Errors. Review any errors shown in the Parse and XML Validation Errors box and the BRE Validation Errors box.

  8. In the InfoPath form, scroll to the location of the error and verify that the error has been corrected. You can see what the original error was by clicking Errors in the Current Role: RekeyVerify pane, and viewing the error in one of the error panes. You can also compare the unrepaired and repaired versions of the message by clicking Message Details in the Current Role: RekeyVerify pane.

  9. To ensure that the message will validate, click Validation in the Current Role: RekeyVerify pane, and then click Validate Message.


    The Results pane under Message Validation in the Current Role: RekeyVerify pane indicates all fields in the message that you need to rekey. A4SWIFT marks these fields in the Message pane with a red asterisk.

  10. Rekey data into all fields in the Message pane marked with a red asterisk (indicating that the data must be rekeyed before submission).


    You can display the data that you need to rekey into message fields by clicking Message Details in the Current Role: RekeyVerify pane, and scrolling through the original message to the field. This is true unless there was a validation error in one of the rekey fields in the original message, in which case you have to repair the field when you rekey it.

  11. Click Validation in the Current Role: RekeyVerify pane, and then click Validate Message. Verify that the Results pane displays the message The message is valid.

  12. Click Submit in the OfficeInfoPath 2007 window.


    When you click Submit, InfoPath performs XML validation on the message. If the validation is not successful, you must fix the validation errors before proceeding.

  13. In the Submit Message dialog box, click Accept to submit the verified message with changes accepted. Click Reject to submit the message with changes rejected. Click Cancel to cancel the submission and return to the form.


    If you accept the message changes, BizTalk Server performs BRE validations on the message.


    If you reject the message changes, BizTalk Server returns the message to the first stage of the workflow (create or repair) and resets the repair workflow.

  14. On the Digital Signature Wizard page for selecting the certificate to sign the form, select the certificate that you want to use to sign the form (the certificate that you created for the verifier), and then click Next.


    To verify the validity of a digital signature, click Digital Signatures on the Tools menu, click the digital signature that you want to verify, and then click View Signed Form. If you need to add another signature for this role, do so in the A4SWIFT Management Console.

  15. On the Digital Signature Wizard page for entering comments, click Finish.

  16. On the Digital Signature Wizard page for verifying the form, verify that the message that you are signing is correct. Click View Certificate if you want to verify that you are using the correct signature. Click I have verified this content before signing, and then click Sign.

  17. In the Verify Digital Signature window, click Close.

  18. In the Submission Success dialog box, click OK.

  19. Close the InfoPath window.

  20. In MRSR site, click Documents and Lists. If you clicked Accept to accept the changes in step 13, verify that the <Department name>_Approve document library contains the message that was just modified. If you already had the Documents and Lists window open, click Refresh on the View menu. If you clicked Reject to reject the changes in step 13, verify that the <computer name>_Outbox document library contains the message that was just modified.