SQL Server

Connect to SQL Server so that you can manange your SQL database.
This article describes the operations for the SQL Server built-in connector, which is available only for Standard workflows in single-tenant Azure Logic Apps. If you're looking for the SQL Server managed connector operations instead, see SQL Server managed connector reference.
Built-in connector settings
In a Standard logic app resource, the SQL Server built-in connector includes settings that control various thresholds for performance, throughput, capacity, and so on. For example, you can change the query timeout value for SQL operations. For more information, review Reference for app settings - local.settings.json.
Enable authentication for SQL Server
With the built-in connector, you can authenticate your connection with either a managed identity, Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), or a connection string. For managed identity authentication or Azure Active Directory authentication, you have to set up your SQL Server to work with these authentication types. For more information, see Authentication - SQL Server managed connector reference.
Connector how-to guide
For more information about connecting to SQL Server from your workflow in Azure Logic Apps, see Connect to SQL databases from workflows in Azure Logic Apps.
Connection string
The connection string for SQL Server.
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Connection string | The connection string for SQL Server. | securestring | True |
Active Directory OAuth
Active Directory OAuth
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Server name | The endpoint for SQL server. | string | True | |
Database name | The name for the SQL database. | string | True | |
Active Directory OAuth | Active Directory OAuth | string | True | |
Authority | Active Directory authority | string | False | |
Tenant | Active Directory tenant | string | True | |
Credential type | Active Directory credential type | string | False | Certificate, Secret |
Client ID | Active Directory client ID | string | True | |
Client secret | Active Directory client secret | securestring | True | |
Pfx | Active Directory pfx | securestring | True | |
Password | Active Directory password | securestring | True |
Managed identity
Managed identity
Name | Description | Type | Required | Allowed Values |
Managed identity | Managed identity | string | True | |
Managed identity type | The type of managed identity | string | False | SystemAssigned, UserAssigned |
Identity client id | The client id of user identity | string | True | |
Server name | The endpoint for SQL server. | string | True | |
Database name | The name for the SQL database. | string | True | |
Managed identity | Managed identity | string | False |
Delete rows |
Delete one or more rows that match the specified condition and return the deleted rows. |
Execute query |
Run a query on a SQL database. |
Execute stored procedure |
Run a stored procedure on a SQL database. |
Get rows |
Get one or more table rows that match the specified condition. |
Get rows (V2) (Preview) |
Get table row(s) matching the specified condition. |
Get tables |
Get a list of all the tables in the SQL database. |
Insert row |
Insert a single row in the specified table. |
Update rows |
Update one or more rows that match the specified condition. |
Delete rows
Delete one or more rows that match the specified condition and return the deleted rows.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Table name
tableName | True | string |
The name for the table. |
Where condition
columnValuesForWhereCondition | object |
An object that contains the column names and values, as key-value pairs, that select the rows to delete. |
Primary Key
primaryKey | string |
A comma separated string containing values for each column in the primary key in correct order. 'Primary Key' parameter and 'Where condition' parameter cannot be used at the same time. |
An array object that contains all the deleted rows. Each row contains the column name and deleted value.
- Result
- array
Execute query
Run a query on a SQL database.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
query | True | string |
The SQL query body to execute. |
Query parameters
queryParameters | object |
The parameters for the SQL query. If the query requires input parameters, you must provide these parameters. |
An array object that contains all the query results. Each row contains the column name and value.
- Result
- array
Execute stored procedure
Run a stored procedure on a SQL database.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Procedure name
storedProcedureName | True | string |
The name for the stored procedure. |
storedProcedureParameters | object |
The parameters for the stored procedure. If the stored procedure requires input parameters, you must provide these parameters. |
Include Empty Result Sets
includeEmptyResultSets | string |
Flag to include empty result sets. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Result Sets
resultSets | string |
An array object that contains all the result sets from the stored procedure, which might return zero, one, or multiple result sets. |
Stored Procedure Parameters
outputParameters | string |
An object that contains the final values for the stored procedure's output and input-output parameters. |
Return Code
returnCode | string |
The integer value that represents the return code from the stored procedure. |
Get rows
Get one or more table rows that match the specified condition.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Table name
tableName | True | string |
The name for the table. |
Where condition
columnValuesForWhereCondition | object |
An object that contains the column names and values, as key-value pairs, that select the rows to get. |
Primary Key
primaryKey | string |
A comma separated string containing values for each column in the primary key in correct order. 'Primary Key' parameter and 'Where condition' parameter cannot be used at the same time. |
OData Query Options
queries | object |
The OData query options. |
All the retrieved rows.
- Result
- array
Get rows (V2) (Preview)
Get table row(s) matching the specified condition.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Table name
tableName | True | string |
The name for the table. |
OData Query Options
queries | object |
The OData query options. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
value | string |
Item list. |
Get tables
Get a list of all the tables in the SQL database.
The returned table list, including full names and display names.
- Result
- array
Insert row
Insert a single row in the specified table.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Table name
tableName | True | string |
The name for the table. |
Set columns
setColumns | object |
An object that contains the column names and values, as key-value pairs, to insert. If the table columns have default or autogenerated values, you can leave this field empty. |
The inserted row, including the names and values for any autogenerated, default, and null value columns.
- Result
- object
Update rows
Update one or more rows that match the specified condition.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Table name
tableName | True | string |
The name for the table. |
Where condition
columnValuesForWhereCondition | object |
An object that contains the column names and values, as key-value pairs, that select the rows to update. |
Set columns
setColumns | True | object |
An object that contains the column names and values, as key-value pairs, to use for updating the rows. |
Primary Key
primaryKey | string |
A comma separated string containing values for each column in the primary key in correct order. 'Primary Key' parameter and 'Where condition' parameter cannot be used at the same time. |
An array object that contains all the columns for the updated rows.
- Result
- array
When a row is deleted |
Trigger a workflow run when a row is deleted from the table. |
When a row is inserted |
Trigger a workflow run when a row is inserted in the table. |
When a row is modified |
Trigger a workflow run when a row is modified, such as inserted or updated, in the table. |
When a row is updated |
Trigger a workflow run when a row is updated in the table. |
When a row is deleted
Trigger a workflow run when a row is deleted from the table.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Table name
tableName | True | string |
The name for the table. |
The row that was deleted.
- Deleted rows
- array
When a row is inserted
Trigger a workflow run when a row is inserted in the table.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Table name
tableName | True | string |
The name for the table. |
The row that was inserted.
- Inserted rows
- array
When a row is modified
Trigger a workflow run when a row is modified, such as inserted or updated, in the table.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Table name
tableName | True | string |
The name for the table. |
The row that was modified.
- Modified rows
- array
When a row is updated
Trigger a workflow run when a row is updated in the table.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Table name
tableName | True | string |
The name for the table. |
The row that was updated.
- Updated rows
- array