CLI de bibliotecas (legado)
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Essas informações se aplicam às versões herdadas da CLI do Databricks 0.18 e inferiores. O Databricks recomenda que o utilizador use a versão 0.205 ou superior da CLI mais recente do Databricks. Consulte O que é a CLI do Databricks?. Para encontrar sua versão da CLI do Databricks, execute databricks -v
Para migrar da versão 0.18 ou inferior da CLI do Databricks para a versão 0.205 ou superior, veja migração da CLI do Databricks.
Execute subcomandos da CLI de bibliotecas Databricks anexando-os a databricks libraries
. Esses subcomandos chamam a API Libraries.
databricks libraries -h
Usage: databricks libraries [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Utility to interact with libraries.
-v, --version [VERSION]
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
all-cluster-statuses Get the status of all libraries.
cluster-status Get the status of all libraries for a cluster.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
install Install a library on a cluster.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
--jar TEXT JAR on DBFS or WASB.
--egg TEXT Egg on DBFS or WASB.
--whl TEXT Wheel or zipped wheelhouse on DBFS or WASB. Supported in CLI 0.8.2 and above.
--maven-coordinates TEXT Maven coordinates in the form of GroupId:ArtifactId:Version (
--maven-repo TEXT Maven repository to install the Maven package from. If omitted, both Maven Repository and Spark Packages are searched.
--maven-exclusion TEXT List of dependences to exclude. For example: --maven-exclusion "slf4j:slf4j" --maven-exclusion "*:hadoop-client".
--pypi-package TEXT The name of the PyPI package to install. An optional exact version specification is also supported. Examples "simplejson" and "simplejson==3.8.0".
--pypi-repo TEXT The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default pip index is used.
--cran-package TEXT The name of the CRAN package to install.
--cran-repo TEXT The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default CRAN repo is used.
list Shortcut to `all-cluster-statuses` or `cluster-status`.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
uninstall Uninstall a library on a cluster.
--cluster-id CLUSTER_ID Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration. [required]
--all Uninstall all libraries.
--jar TEXT JAR on DBFS or WASB.
--egg TEXT Egg on DBFS or WASB.
--whl TEXT Wheel or zipped wheelhouse on DBFS or WASB. Supported in CLI 0.8.2 and above.
--maven-coordinates TEXT Maven coordinates in the form of GroupId:ArtifactId:Version (
--maven-repo TEXT Maven repository to install the Maven package from. If omitted, both Maven Repository and Spark Packages are searched.
--maven-exclusion TEXT List of dependences to exclude. For example: --maven-exclusion "slf4j:slf4j" --maven-exclusion "*:hadoop-client".
--pypi-package TEXT The name of the PyPI package to install. An optional exact version specification is also supported. Examples "simplejson" and "simplejson==3.8.0".
--pypi-repo TEXT The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default pip index is used.
--cran-package TEXT The name of the CRAN package to install.
--cran-repo TEXT The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default CRAN repo is used.
List o estado de todas as bibliotecas em todos os clusters
Para exibir a documentação de uso, execute databricks libraries all-cluster-statuses --help
databricks libraries all-cluster-statuses
"statuses": [
"cluster_id": "1234-567890-lest123",
"library_statuses": [
"library": {
"jar": "dbfs:/FileStore/jars/bbf81650_a62b_4b7a_b47e_7bdd9505792a-SparkJDBC42.jar"
"status": "INSTALLED",
"is_library_for_all_clusters": true
List o status de todas as bibliotecas em um cluster
Para exibir a documentação de uso, execute databricks libraries cluster-status --help
ou databricks libraries list --help
databricks libraries cluster-status --cluster-id 1234-567890-lest123
databricks libraries list --cluster-id 1234-567890-lest123
"cluster_id": "1234-567890-lest123",
"library_statuses": [
"library": {
"jar": "dbfs:/FileStore/jars/bbf81650_a62b_4b7a_b47e_7bdd9505792a-SparkJDBC42.jar"
"status": "INSTALLED",
"is_library_for_all_clusters": false
Instalar uma biblioteca em um cluster
Para exibir a documentação de uso, execute databricks libraries install --help
databricks libraries install --cluster-id 1234-567890-lest123 --jar dbfs:/test-dir/test.jar
Se for bem-sucedida, nenhuma saída será exibida.
Desinstalar uma biblioteca de um cluster
Para exibir a documentação de uso, execute databricks libraries uninstall --help
databricks libraries uninstall --cluster-id 1234-567890-lest123 --jar dbfs:/test-dir/test.jar
WARNING: Uninstalling libraries requires a cluster restart.
databricks clusters restart --cluster-id 1234-567890-lest123