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Consultas para a tabela WVDErrors

Para obter informações sobre como usar essas consultas no portal do Azure, consulte o tutorial do Log Analytics. Para a API REST, consulte Consulta.

Os 10 principais erros de conexão

Retorna os 10 principais erros de conexão do lado da implantação por contagem de usuários.

// You can replace "UserName" in the query by "CorrelationId" to see how many connections each error has impacted.
// The "CorrelationId" is unique for each connection attempt. 
// The flag on "ServiceError" helps to focus on issues that are most likely mitigated by the administrator or end user.
// Change the ActivityType based on the type of issues you are troubleshooting. 
| where ServiceError == "false" 
| where ActivityType == "Connection"  
| summarize UserCount = dcount(UserName), SampleMessage = take_any(Message) by CodeSymbolic
| project SampleMessage, UserCount 
| top 10 by UserCount desc
// Go to and review additional guidance for diagnostics in the How To section.
// Our troubleshooting guidance has information on escalation paths.

Os 10 principais erros de feed

Retorna os 10 principais erros de feed do lado da implantação por contagem de usuários.

// You can replace "UserName" in the query by "CorrelationId" to see how many feed refresh attempts each error has impacted.
// The "CorrelationId" is unique for each feed refresh attempt. 
// The flag on "ServiceError" helps to focus on issues that are most likely mitigated by the administrator or end user.
// Change the ActivityType based on the type of issues you are troubleshooting. 
| where ServiceError == "false" 
| where ActivityType == "Feed"  
| summarize UserCount = dcount(UserName), SampleMessage = take_any(Message) by CodeSymbolic
| project SampleMessage, UserCount 
| top 10 by UserCount desc
// Go to and review additional guidance for diagnostics in the How To section.
// Our troubleshooting guidance has information on escalation paths.