A developer's point of view on WSUS 3.0...
I've promised Bobbie that I'll try to get into the community a little more, and give the Developers' point of view.
My name is Matthew Wetmore, and I've been with Microsoft a little over ten years.
I was a Unix geek, and came to Microsoft when a recruiter responded to my complaints about various technologies with "So, you want to come fix it, then?" My passion these days is finding great technologies, and helping them become more accessible for end-users.
If you search back through old newsgroups, you'll see my background in the Windows Installer (the "DLL Hell" problem space,) and Group Policy (the Group Policy Management Console - GPMC).
I joined the Windows Server Update Services team late in the SUS WUS WSUS 2.0 cycle to work on reporting features and the server API re-design. I'll initially talk about some of the technologies being used, and after plans/features finalize and become public: I'll talk about some of the fun there. In the meantime, you can read about Software Patents (good, bad, indifferent - you decide!) and imagine all the goodies we're eager to talk about.
January 01, 2003
thank youAnonymous
April 19, 2006
Man, I thought you were going to spill some info on WSUS 3.0 features or goals. (hint hint). I was very active in the SUS, WUS, WSUS beta trials and hope I can be involved again with 3.0. In the meantime, good luck and keep us posted!Anonymous
April 19, 2006
Oh, I'll definitely get there - I'm just making introductions for starters. :)
-- MatthewAnonymous
December 11, 2008
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January 02, 2009
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July 30, 2009
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July 31, 2009
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January 22, 2010
Oh, I'll definitely get there - I'm just making introductions for