VB.NET 9.0: Lambda Expression
In VB.NET 9.0 Lambda is one of the features we have here. Lambda expression is just another way to call Anonymous method/delegate.
Let’s look into a generic list of integers, and play with it,
Dim arrInt As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
When you need to get the even numbers out of this List, you can call delegate,
Dim even1 As New List(Of Integer)
even1 = arrInt.FindAll(New Predicate(Of Integer)(AddressOf EvenGetter))
Then for this approach you need a method,
Public Function EvenGetter(ByVal i2 As Integer) As Boolean
Return i2 Mod 2 = 0
End Function
Using VB.NET 9.0 you can also implement Lambda Expression,
even1 = arrInt.FindAll(Function(i2 As Integer) i2 Mod 2 = 0)
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February 05, 2008
In VB.NET 9.0 Lambda is one of the features we have here. Lambda expression is just another way to callAnonymous
January 09, 2009
Thanks. Was trying to figure out the syntax for lambda expression in vb.net as i'm a c# guy.Anonymous
September 23, 2009
Nice, How do I convert thefollowing c# code to VB.Net using Lambda Expression: synchronizationContext.Post((e) => action((T)e), eventArgs); THanks AtallahAnonymous
October 07, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 10, 2010
synchronizationContext.Post((Function(e as T) action(e)), eventArgs)Anonymous
June 30, 2010
Very Good! Thanks you very much! Now I understand on 'Lambda' clearly.Anonymous
July 02, 2011
sir, i need to generate bill number VB.NET 2008 like ( dkv000, dkv001, dkv002 ) then next day it should continue with next bill number followed by previous number