Celebrating my 100 posts!!!
Thanks to everyone who supported me in this BLOGGING journey. I started blogging back in May 2006, was not very regular blogger till September 2006. I blog to share my .NET adventure, starting from C# 2005 to LINQ (C# 3.0). I use them to convey the interest for others.
In Microsoft I work for independent software vendors who write code and use Microsoft technology to develop their product.
Keep visiting blog and keep commenting on my blog.
Cheers and Namoskar!!!
July 16, 2007
Thanks to everyone who supported me in this BLOGGING journey. I started blogging back in May 2006, wasAnonymous
July 16, 2007
Congratulation on your 100 blogs. Hope to see 100s more from you. I have been watching your blog from 2 months or so and enjoying it very much. :)Anonymous
July 17, 2007
Hi Vikram, Thanks, nice that you do visit my blog regularly. I do also visit your nice blog. I liked the way you have designed your BLOG. Keep commenting. WrijuAnonymous
July 20, 2007
Congratulations Wriju. I found your very useful Blog during my research on LINQ. Like the others, I intend to come back regularly, as we exclusively use Microsoft Technology in our On Demand Solutions Development. Troy.Anonymous
July 23, 2007
Good to know. Keep visiting and happy learning. Wriju