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What … there is a development centre in Vancouver?!?

After hearing this question one too many times, it is time to zoom into a small, yet buzzing spot on this planet, the city of Vancouver, Canada!


Interesting spots on the maps …

  1. Is where the Vancouver Development Center is located at the time of creating this post.
  2. Is where Redmond is approximately located. See FAQ – How can I travel from the Vancouver Development ...‎ for travel options from 1 to 2.
  3. Is the infamous 49th parallel which divides Canada and the USA.

… and here is the view that my laptop has of our innovative office, just to prove that we are real Smile
WIN_20150220_111830 (2)

… if you step outside you can visit these places Day OOF … re-booting in spectacular Vancouver, Tour of Vancouver Island with Bob during his Rangers Sabbatical, and “Caring Day” - Stanley Park Ecology Society.

vancouver development center

Please like and follow us on Facebook, and take some time explore Vancouver Development Center. Click on image and hear it from the engineers themselves, for example from my colleague Vicente:


and there is more …

Those that know the ALM Rangers know that community and collaboration is part of our DNA, which is why I am excited about these two Vancouver initiatives:

  • Foundry Vancouver as mentioned in Microsoft to create new Excellence Centre in Vancouver brings together teams across Microsoft to work with students to work on awesome solutions.
  • Vancouver Innovation Labs has been hosted by Envisioning Labs since September 2013. It is an open platform for anybody interested in discussing and learning about new technological trends and their potential application in business, society and the environment. The group has attracted an eclectic mix of technologists, sociologists, researchers, designers and overall innovation enthusiasts. Envisioning Labs partnered with Microsoft in 2014 where meetings are now held at the Vancouver Development Center.
    You can enjoy the more visual Envisioning Labs Annual Review 2014 video.

… and there is even more, but that’s content for a future post. To cut a long blog post short, visit the Vancouver Development Center!