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Mike Fourie wins the ALM Rangers Champion of Champions 2013 Award

Michael Fourie has been nominated by his peers and has won the Champion of Champions award for being the brightest star amongst ALM Rangers over the past twelve months, who we admire & respect.

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“Unedited” comments submitted with some of the nominations:

  • No one matches the energy and enthusiasm that Mike has!
  • It's a hat trick :) I suppose Mike can bend time, as he always seems to have time to both do all the amazing things, and support other projects.
  • Makes a vast contribution across many streams of Rangers work.
  • He helps out with many Rangers activities and behind-the-scenes initiatives and devotes what appears to be an unreasonable amount of time to the Rangers!
  • For his great contributions with Build Customization Guide v2, MSBuild Extension Pack and TFS Build Extensions
  • Outstanding contributions as a project lead to Build Customization and Fakes guidance projects. Also, for improving the Rangers Engineering practices.
  • Because he continuous to deliver awesome!
  • If I had to pick an ALM Ranger to go to battle with, it would either be Brian Blackman or Mike Fourie. As Brian is our Ruck Master champ, the champion of champions can only be Mike.
  • For his outstanding contributions.
  • Where does one start? He is active everywhere, he is supportive and pedantic about raising the quality of deliverables.

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The following were the runners up, with some of  the “unedited” comments:

  • John Bergman
    • John has put a tremendous amount of effort into the project he's been involved in.
  • Tony Whitter
    • Pulling the failing Manual Test project back in line by giving it some much needed focus
    • Hard worker, volunteered for TR15 talk, Passionate
    • Tony never fails and is always there for the Rangers. Tony has enabled the Rangers to ship multiple projects.
    • Because Tony is the man. He's there every week, he's always happy and positive, and he's always bringing up great ideas, listening, mentoring, coaching, and making the project the best it can be.
  • Mattias Sköld
    • He has 70 checkins to TFS which is a good measure of contribution (or at least how i'm choosing to measure it!)
    • Because of his energy and passion.
  • Tarun Arora
    • Very passionate and contributes to the email queries.

Also see for a list of all the winners to date.