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Giáo trình SQL Server 2008 -trang 2

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Chương 5: Bảo mật cơ sở dữ liệu SQL Server
Session 5: Securing Database and T-SQL for Data Control
5.1 Understanding SQL Server Security Model
5.2 Managing Logins, users, roles
5.3 Managing Permissions
5.4 Data Control Language and Security Issues
5.5 Implementing Security through Database Objects
5.6 Other Security Options
Lab 5
Exercise 5
Video Training
Chương 6: Thủ tục lưu trữ trong và hàm người dùng
Session 6: Stored Procedures and User-Defined Functions
6.1 Understanding the concepts of batch and batch processing
6.2 Control Statements
6.3 Defining and Assigning Variables
6.4 Implementing Stored Procedures
6.5 Implementing User-Defined Functions
6.6 Difference between Stored Procedures and User-Defined Funtions
Lab 6
Exercise 6
Video Training
Chương7: Triggers
Session 7: Implementing Triggers
7.1 Introduction to Triggers
7.2 Creating, Altering, and Dropping Triggers
7.3 Working with Triggers
7.4 Users of Trigger
7.5 Performance Consideration
Lab 7
Exercise 7
Video Training
Chương 8: Lập trình SQL Server với .Net
Session 8: Programming SQL Server with .Net
8.1 .Net Framework
8.3 CLR Integration
8.4 Enabling CLR Integration
8.5 CLR Integration: Pros & Cons
Lab 8
Exercise 8
Video Training
Chương 9: Ràng buộc toàn vẹn
Session 9: Implementing Data Integrity
9.1 Types of Data Integrity
9.2 Enforcing Data Integrity
9.3 Defining Data Integrity
9.4 Types of Constraints
9.5 Disability Constraints
9.6 Using Defaults and Rules
9.7 Deciding Enforcement Method to Use
Lab 9
Exercise 9
Video Training
Chương 10: Quản lí giao dịch và khóa
Session 10: Managing Transactions and Locks
10.1 Transaction
10.2 Review of Transaction Log in SQL Server
10.3 Managing Transactions
10.4 Managing Locks
10.5 Understanding SQL Server Locking Architecture
Lab 10
Exercise 10
Video Training