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Public Speaking: what all benefits it can draw to your business (Guest Blog)


The majority of people are afraid of public speaking, being asked to do a speech or presentation will instantly make your knees weak or your stomach do back flips. The biggest fear is generally of looking stupid or being embarrassed in front of lots of other people.

The one consideration that you do not focus on is why is public speaking so important? There are a myriad of benefits and once you start to consider them you will quickly realize that it is a skill well worth learning for personal and business gain.

Solid public speaking skills will boost your self-confidence

It is natural to see your own self worth in terms of how others see you. Becoming a good public speaker will enable you to become better at communicating with others. In turn this will allow you to feel more confident when communicating with others one to one or in a group. The more you come to understand others and their reactions the better you will be at adjusting your message to fit their opinions. You will effectively be able to manipulate them into your way of thinking.

A good public speaker can generate more sales

Every business needs to generate sales to survive; if you are a business owner then public speaking is inevitable. It is the best way of generating sales and increasing your public image. By learning the best method to speak to people in a group setting you will learn to present your message in the right way to potential new customers. In effect you will be learning to sell yourself and this can be beneficial in all walks of life.

Increased productivity in the business environment

Practicing public speaking will make you feel comfortable talking to people and you will always have something to say (you can always revert to a speech you gave previously). This means that there will be no awkward silences and people will automatically be drawn to you in social gatherings. Being comfortable with others will allow you to effectively communicate your message.

Make a difference

Every person will need to give a public speech at some point in their lives. Learning to do this will make you confident and capable of leading others, it will also give you the chance to make a difference. Once you are a confident public speaker people will want to listen to you and you will be able to portray any idea and persuade others to join you; this will make it possible to make a real difference in the world.

Sound speaking skills makes you appear more knowledgeable

You will usually be chosen to give a public speech because you are the one who knows the most about the subject. This provides you with two opportunities:

  • Showing off your knowledge – you are the expert and you can pass on important facts and messages to those in the audience. You will be able to inspire them to achieve their own goals and to take your chosen subject further. Sharing your knowledge will also be incredibly fulfilling.
  • Improving your knowledge – even the best public speakers will prepare and practice before giving a speech. This is essential to ensure you are at the top of your game and aware of the latest developments. Giving a speech will actually improve your knowledge and make you better at communicating with others.

Stand out and make your audience remember you

As most people are afraid of public speaking you will be the exception in your workplace. This skill will allow you to stand out from your co-workers and you will probably be considered before anyone else for promotion or other perks. Being able to speak in public will also draw others to you, particularly those who are interested in your chosen subject.

There are so many benefits one can reap from holding a speech in front of an audience. A fluent presentation can boost your company bottom line, not to mention that it can also make you appear trustworthy and dependable. Others will be interested in what you have to say, and in time you will develop even more confidence. In the business environment, confidence is the secret to success.

Author Bio

Daniel Lewis is interested in writing about business related topics. He is a regular contributor at many sites. He also works for a site which is world’s leading speaker and advisory network.