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Hotfixes pós SP2 para Servidores de Terminal baseados em Windows Server 2003

Tendo como base a resolução de problemas na nossa Base dados de Conhecimento, foi criada esta lista de Hotfixes (pós Service Pack 2) para Servidores de Terminal baseados em Windows Server 2003, que pode servir como ponto de partida para actualização das máquinas antes de se iniciar o troubleshoot de um problema.

1) 972604 An application crashes in a terminal server session when the application passes a registry key name that is longer than 255 characters on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003
Tsappcmp.dll 5.2.3790.4547

2) 971310 A terminal server that is running Windows Server 2003 stops responding during the shutdown process if a remote console session is established on the server
Substitui: 970870, 958476, 930045
Termsrv.dll 5.2.3790.4516 

3) 970870 On a Windows Server 2003-based terminal server, terminal service-related settings may not be effective if the "Process even if the group policy objects have not changed" option is enabled for Registry Policy Processing
Regapi.dll 5.2.3790.4510
Termsrv.dll 5.2.3790.4510 <— substituído pelo KB971310

4) 968995 The Terminal Server Licensing MMC snap-in or the TS Licensing Manager MMC snap-in uses NT LAN Manager instead of the Kerberos protocol to pass authentication, respectively, in Windows Server 2003 or in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
Mstlsapi.dll 5.2.3790.4515

5) 962965 A Windows Server 2003 SP2-based computer stops responding when you move lots of files from one directory to another
Ultima versão: KB974127
Ntfs.sys 5.2.3790.4481 

6) 961974 Stop error when you log off from a Terminal Services session on a terminal server that is running Windows Server 2003 SP1 or Windows Server 2003 SP2: "Stop 0x000000ba"
Rdpdd.dll 5.2.3790.4511

7) 961799 A Stop error occurs on a Windows Server 2003-based server when a user accesses shared files on the server by using an SMB connection
Netbt.sys 5.2.3790.4452

8) 961151 When you start the Terminal Services Manager tool in Windows Server 2003, the tool crashes, and event ID 1000 is logged on a computer that has multiple processors
Tsadmin.exe 5.2.3790.4443

9) 960677 When you print a document to a redirected printer in a Windows Server 2003-based terminal server session, the document is printed to a redirected printer of a different client
Substitui: 960652, 957264, 944341,940458,938645
Rdpdr.sys 5.2.3790.4424

10) 960092 A Windows Server 2003-based terminal server that also runs Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server may stop responding every few days, and you may receive a gray screen when you log on to the terminal server
Ultima versão: KB971295
Rdbss.sys 5.2.3790.4414

11) 959828 Stop error on a Windows Server 2003 SP2-based terminal server when users print documents in terminal sessions: "0x0000008E" or "0x00000050"
Substitui: 959466, 959338, 957877, 955066, 951880,951749, 946068, 944916, 937375, 931282,928942, 925919
Ultima versão: KB971251
Win32k.sys 5.2.3790.4474 

12) 959200 Applications or services that use the NFS redirector may crash when a Linux-based client or a UNIX-based client disconnects from a Windows Server 2003 terminal server without logging off
Ultima versão: KB967111
Nfsrdr.sys 5.2.3790.4414

13) 958476 RDP clients and ICA clients cannot connect to a Windows Server 2003-based terminal server after hotfix 938759 is applied to the server
Imagehlp.dll 5.2.3790.4412
Termsrv.dll 5.2.3790.4412 <— substituído pelo KB971310

14) 958246 The logoff process may take a long time when a user makes a terminal session from a Windows Server 2003 terminal server in a trusted domain, and the terminal service roaming profiles are used
Substitui: KB951059
Userenv.dll 5.2.3790.4390

15) 957492 When you try to start a terminal session to a Windows Server 2003-based computer, the computer may be unresponsive
Oledlg.dll 5.2.3790.4382 

16) 956438 A Windows Server 2003-based or Windows Server 2008-based terminal server stops accepting new connections, and existing connections stop responding
Substitui: 935987
Termdd.sys 5.2.3790.4454

17) 955692 Your screen flickers when you start WPF applications in a Windows Server 2003 terminal server session
D3d8.dll 5.3.3790.4336
D3d9.dll 5.3.3790.4336

18) 954744 FIX: Some pages are printed in the incorrect orientation when you use Terminal Services Easy Print to print a document that contains both portrait-oriented pages and landscape-oriented pages
Tswpfwrp.exe 3.0.6920.1201

19) 953675 Error message when many users log on to a Windows Server 2003-based terminal server through RDP connections: "Winlogon has encountered a problem and needs to close"
Rasman.dll 5.2.3790.4302 

20) 946633 The "Font smoothing" feature has no effect in Windows Server 2003 terminal sessions 
Ultima versão: 971080
Licdll.dll 5.2.3790.4277
Win32k.sys 5.2.3790.4277 <— substituído pelo 959828
Winlogon.exe 5.2.3790.4277

21) 944984 The user profile may not be correctly unloaded when you log off from a Windows Server 2003-based computer, and event 1517 is logged
Substitui: 927182
O mais recomendado: 970054
Ntoskrnl.exe 5.2.3790.4316

22) 942610 The color depth is unexpectedly changed to 8-bit when a high screen-resolution setting is used in a terminal-server session that is connected to a Windows Server 2003-based computer

23) 934330 The Csrss.exe process in a terminal-server session continuously consumes more than 50 percent of CPU resources on a Windows Server 2003-based terminal server
Ultima versão: 957216
Winsrv.dll 5.2.3790.4056

24) 932039 Two taskbars are displayed, or the Language bar is displayed two or more times on the taskbar, on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP
Explorer.exe 6.0.3790.4016 

25) 931953 WMI returns a NULL value for the ProviderName attribute of the Win32_MappedLogicalDisk WMI class in Windows Server 2003
Ultima versão: 954091
Mup.sys 5.2.3790.4032 

26) 969289 All network share access through the SMB protocol (client-side redirector) may fail on a Windows Server 2003-based computer

Mrxsmb.sys 5.2.3790.4479

27) 932578 Event ID 55 may be logged in the System log when you create many files on an NTFS partition on a Windows Server 2003-based or Windows XP-based computer

A versão mais recente está em: 974127 An ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED error is returned in Windows Server 2003, in Windows Vista, or in Windows Server 2008 when you call the DeviceIoControl function together with the FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME control code

Substitui: ntfs.sys

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