Using a Sunrocket Gizmo with ViaTalk
If you happen to have found this page as a former Sunrocket customer, here is a way you can get a phone up and running quickly. One potential VOIP provider you can use is Viatalk. This is the one I chose. Sign up for BYOD service. Wait unil you get your e-mail from ViaTalk with your login information. It took me less than a day to get mine even without paying for rush processing. I have an Innomedia gizmo. If you have one of the others, these instructions won't work for you. Here are the instructions I followed to get my gizmo to work with ViaTalk.
- Get the admin password for your Gizmo. The best way to do this is to browse the forums at SunrocketForum or DSLReports.
- If you have an Innomedia Gizmo, the login page is It is case sensitive.
- The login name is admin
- The password changes based on when Sunrocket last provisioned your system.
- Once you log in, go to IP Network->Provisioning Setting.
- Turn it off and reboot.
- Login again
- Go to Management->Administrator
- Change the password to something else.
- Update.
- Go to VoIP->SIP Proxy.
- Change to the server ViaTalk sent you. For me this is Yours may be different.
- Change SIP Domain to
- Set the first Codec to PCMU/8000 and all the others to None. Note that VT says to use G711U (ulaw), but that wasn't an option in my gizmo. PCMU works. I don't know the details of this. There may be better options.
- Save settings.
- Go to VoIP->User Account
- Enter the login name ViaTalk sent you into the User ID, User Name, and Authentication ID fields.
- Enter the password ViaTalk sent you into the two password fields.
- Save settings.
- Go to Management->Reboot.
- You should be on Viatalk.
These instructions were taken largely from this thread by Skruffy on SunrocketForum.
If you know of similar instructions for the Linksys or AC-211, please post links in the comments.
July 17, 2007
Sunrocket was my phone company...until today. This evening I looked at TechMeme to see what was new inAnonymous
July 17, 2007
I'm a current SR customer and am disappointed at their plight. I've chosen to go with Comcast instead of other independent VoIP players for the sake of stability and viability. Good luck with ViaTalk.Anonymous
July 18, 2007
Someone suggested using the codecs in this order: G726-32/8000 g728/8000 g729/8000 pcmu/8000 pcma/8000Anonymous
July 18, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
July 24, 2007
Not my URL, but this is an automatic config set up by a former SunRocket tech. I did not need it, but am posting it for the benefit of those who do.Anonymous
July 24, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
July 29, 2007
I can't get my Gizmo to connect. Can you tell me what I have set wrong? Here is my Gizmo settings. SunRocket Gizmo
= Number that I am not going to tell you :-)
VoIP Gageway I. Home - System Information A. Module Type = 211 B. Interfaces = 2ports FXS Phone 2ports 10/100Base-T/TX C. System Uptime = 0 days, 5h 33m23s D. System Real Time = Jul 27 07:20:14 E. Security = Password installed F. Application Code Version = SIP version 4.62 US (APP 14) G, Downloader Code Version = 4.62 US (LDR 14) H. CPU Hw Version = 20 II. WAN A. WAN Status - Network Settings 1. Dynamic IP Assignment = YES (via DHCP) 2. DHCP lease remaining = 3 days, 16h 41m 18s 3. IP Address = ###.###.###.### 4. MAC Address = ##:##:##:##:##:## 5. Subnet Mask = 6. Default Gateway = ###.###.###.### 7. DNS Address 1 = ###.###.###.### 8. DNS Address 2 = ###.###.###.### 9. DNS Address 3 = 10. DNS Address 4 = 11. Domain Name = 12. Broadcast Rate = 100% (of downstream bit rate) 13. Multicast Rate = 100% (of downstream bit rate) B. WAN Settings 1. Obtain WAN Configuration dynamically = SELECTED 2. Specify fixed WAN Configuration = NOT SELECTED a. IP Address = b. IP Netmask = c. IP Gateway = d. IP DNS Server 1 = e. IP DNS Server 2 = f. Host Name = g. Domain Name = h. MTU = 1500 3. Multicast Rates a. Broadcast Rate = 100 % (of Ethernet connedtion bitrate) b. Multicast Rate = 100 % (of Ethernet connedtion bitrate) C. PPPoE - WAN PPPoE Configuration 1. Enable PPPoe = NO 2. Authentication a. User Name = b. Password = 3. Settings a. Idle Timeout = b. Service Name = c. AC Name = D. PPTP - PPPT Configuration 1. Enable PPPT = NO 2. Authentication a. User Name = b. Password = 3. Settings b. Service Address = E. MAC Spooling - MAC Spooling Configuration 1. WAN MAC Address = ####### 2. Learn MAC = ######## F. AutoConfiguration - Auto Configuration 1. Enable Automatic Configuration = NOT SELECTED 2. Automatic Configure ID = always 3. Use DHCP code options 66,67 = NOT SELECTED 4. Polling time (hours) = 3 5. Server protocol = HTTP 6. Server Address = 7. File name = gms/AC-211/B/ipg_211_00a0120c8f7d.cfg III. LAN A. LAN Settings - LAN Configuration 1. Network Settings a. IP Address = b. Subnet Mask = 2. Multicast Rates a. Broadcast Rate = 100 % (of Ethernet connection bitrate) a. Multicast Rate = 100 % (of Ethernet connection bitrate) 3. Rate Control a. Disable Rate Limits = SELECTED b. Dynamic Rate Limits = NOT SELECTED - User Upload Rate (Kbps) = 32 - Current LAN Rate Limit (Kbps) = c. Fixed Rate Limits = NOT SELECTED - LAN Rate Limit(Kbps) = 32 B. DHCP - DHCP Server Configuration 1. Server Settings a. Enabled = SELECTED Disabled = NOT SELECTED b. Client IP Address Range: 192.168.251. = 100.123 c. Scan network for given leases upon reboot = Yes 2. Client Network Information a. Domain Name = b. DNS Server 1 = c. DNS Server 2 = d. Default Lease Time = 86400 seconds 3. Static Address Assignments a. Identify Using = Hostname b. Host Identifier = c. Internet Address: 192.168.251. = C. Port Forwarding - Port Forwarding Configuration 1. Reserved Ports a. The following ports have been reserved by the CPE, and may not be forwarded to the LAN 68, 16384-16399, 80, 5060 2. Port Forwarding to LAN a. Port Range = b. Protocal = Both c. Destination Address 192.168.251. = 3. Demilitarized Zone a. Demilitarized Zone Server IP: 192.168.251. = D. NAT - NAT IPSec traverse configuration 1. Enable NAT IPSec traverse = SELECTED IV. Security A. Password - Set Security Administrator Password 1. Password is currently installed 2. New password = 3. Confirm new password = B. Advanced - Advanced Security Configuration 1. Advanced Security Enable = NOT SELECTED a. DHCP Security Enabled = NOT SELECTED b. IP Address (8 empty input boxes) c. Subnet mask (8 empty input boxes) C. Access - Service Access Configuration 1. Select which interfaces are allowed access to the services listed below 2. Telenet a. LAN = NOT SELECTED b. WAN = NOT SELECTED 3. HTTP Admin Access a. LAN = SELECTED b. WAN = SELECTED 4. Enable user access on LAN 5. Enable User Mode = SELECTED D. Encryption - Set Encryption Key 1. Encryption key is currently installed 2. New Key = 3. Confirm new key = E. EncGeneral - Set General Configuration File Encryption Key 1. No Encryption key installed 2. New key = 3. Confirm new key = V. SIP A. SIP - SIP Configuration 1. SIP Server Settings a. Primary server - IP Address = - Port = 5060 b. Secondary server - IP Address = - Port = 5060 c. Domain Name* = d. Send Registration Request = SELECTED 2. Gateway Settings a. Dial Plan = (>#|911|611|411|311|00|0T|[2-9] xxxxxxxxx|1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxT |011[2-9]x.T|x.T) b. Transport = UDP c. Enable T.38 fax support d. Line1 - User / Phone Num = ########### (ViaTalk's issued phone #) - CallerID Name = Jason - Port = 5060 - AEC On = ON - Authentication User Name = ########### (User / Phone Num) - Password = ###### (Password issued from ViaTalk) e. Line2 - User / Phone Num = - CallerID Name = - Port* = 5061 - AEC On = ON - Authentication User Name = - Password = 3. NAT Settings a. NAT IP Address = b. RTP/RTCP Port Base = 16384 4. STUN Server Settings a. STUN server IP Address = b. STUN server Port = B. SIP Extensions 1. Support PRACK method with provisional response reliability = NOT SELECTED 2. Encode SIP URI with user parameter = NOT SELECTED 3. INVITE Expires Timer value (sec) = 9999 4. SIP Session Timer value (sec) = 5. SIP Registration Timer value (sec) = SELECTED = 53 6. Send RTP on 183 Session Progress = SELECTED C. Line1 - Line Status 1. Registration status - Registration state: Not registered 2. OOB RTP Telephone Event Signalling a. Send Out-Of-Band Telephone Events = RFC 2833 b. RFC2833 signalling using payload value = 101 c. Suppress voice packets during RFC2833 Telephone Event packet transmission = NOT SELECTED d. Squelch inband DTMF audio = NOT SELECTED - ABCD event signalling mode = Transition e. Play DTMF received via RFC2833 = NOT SELECTED f. Play DTMF received via SIP INFO = NOT SELECTED 3. Call Forward Configuration a. Call forward = Disabled 4. Gain Control Configuration a. Line (input) gain = -3 b. Headset (output) gain = -3 D. Line2 - Line Status 1. Registration status - Registration state: Not registered 2. OOB RTP Telephone Event Signalling a. Send Out-Of-Band Telephone Events = RFC 2833 b. RFC2833 signalling using payload value = 101 c. Suppress voice packets during RFC2833 Telephone Event packet transmission = NOT SELECTED d. Squelch inband DTMF audio = NOT SELECTED - ABCD event signalling mode = Transition e. Play DTMF received via RFC2833 = NOT SELECTED f. Play DTMF received via SIP INFO = NOT SELECTED 3. Call Forward Configuration a. Call forward = Disabled 4. Gain Control Configuration a. Line (input) gain = -3 b. Headset (output) gain = -3 VI. CODECS - Audio/CODEC Configuration A. CODECS - Selected 1. G711U a. Packetization = 20ms b. Silence Suppression = ON 2. G711A a. Packetization = 20ms b. Silence Suppression = ON 3. G723 (this has a select box = NOT SELECTED) a. Packetization = 30ms (no option to change) b. Silence Suppression = ON 4. G726 (this has a select box = NOT SELECTED) a. Packetization = 30ms b. Silence Suppression = ON 5. G729 (this has a select box = NOT SELECTED) a. Packetization = 20ms b. Silence Suppression = ON B. Force preferred CODEC 1. Line 1 - preferred CODEC = G711U 2. Line 2 - preferred CODEC = G711U 3. FAX preferred CODEC = G711U C. Jitter Buffer 1. Adaptive Jitter Buffer = SELECTED = 100ms (maximum playout delay in milliseconds) 2. Fixed Jitter Buffer = NOT SELECTED = 80ms (fixed playout delay in milliseconds) VII. Miscellaneous A. Clock 1. NTP Server = 2. Time Zone = GMT-05:00 Eastern Time 3. Adjust clock for daylight savings = NOT SELECTED B. Local - Local settings 1. Caller ID a. Country = United States 2. Ring Format a. Trapezoid 20Hz Balanced = SELECTED b. Sinusoid 25Hz Balanced = NOT SELECTED C. Syslog - Syslog daemon address configuration 1. Syslog Server Address 2. Message severity level = 0 Emergency 3. Send device information to syslog daemon 4. Start Upload Entry = 5. Select Line Number = all D. Protocol Ports - Ports configuration 1. HTTP server configuration - HTTP Server Port = 80 2. Telnet server configuration - Telnet Server Port = 3. Syslog client configuration - Syslog Client Port = 4. TFTP client configuration - TFTP Client Port = 5. HTTP client configuration - HTTP Client Port = E. Calling - Advanced Calling features 1. Advanced calling features configuration a. Enable Call Waiting = SELECTED - Show Caller Identity on Call Waiting = SELECTED b. Enable Caller ID display = SELECTED c. Enable 3-way calling = SELECTED d. Enable last call redial = NOT SELECTED e. Enable distinctive ringtones = SELECTED f. Enable call transfer = NOT SELECTED g. Enable Do Not Disturb (DND) = NOT SELECTED h. Enable call forwarding = NOT SELECTED i. Enable block/accept last call = NOT SELECTED j. Enable auto redial = NOT SELECTED - Auto redial Expire Timer value (sec) = 1800 k. Enable Block Caller ID = NOT SELECTED l. Enable Anonymous Call Rejection (ACR) = NOT SELECTED 2. Handset advanced configuration - Assigned Key Patterns a. Conditional forward = *1 b. Unconditional forward = *2 c. Disable forward = *3 d. Enable DND = *4 e. Disable DND = *5 f. Transfer = *98 g. Redial last call = *69 h. Block last call = *60 i. Accept last call = *80 j. Auto redial = *66 k. Disable auto redial = *86 l. Block Caller ID (per call) = *70 m. Enable anonymous call rejection (ACR) = *77 n. Disable anonymous call rejection (ACR) = *87 3. Dead-air configuration - Dead-air period configuration a. Duration (sec) = 10 F. Ring tones - Ringing Configuration 1. Ring Names - Ring Name 1 - 8 (all blank) 2. Ring Cadences - Ring Cadence 1 - 8 (all blank) 3. Call Waiting Tone Cadences CWT Cadence 1 - 8 (all blank) 4. Call Progress Tones a. Dial Tone = b. Busy Tone = c. Reorder Tone = d. Offhook Warning = e. Ringback Tone = f. Confirm Tone = g. Stutter Tone = h. Ring = i. Hold Tone = VIII. Services - Voice & Management Services Configuration A. WAN Management / All VLAN Tag = 1 B. WAN Priority Tag = C. VLAN Tag for RTP packets = D. Priority Tag for RTP packets = E. TOS for RTP packets = F. VLAN Tag for Call Signalling packets = G. Priority Tag for Call Signalling packets = H. TOS for Call Signalling packets = IX. VLAN - VLAN Configuration A. VLAN Enable = NOT SELECTED B. VLAN (spread sheet - only the first line is filled out) Port 1 - 2 VLAM - Default - 1 - 1 1 - U - U X. Download XI Reset XII. Log out
July 30, 2007
Sorry, I don't know enough about the gizmos to help you. You might try asking on dslreports or sunrocketforum.Anonymous
July 30, 2007
Well I just signed up with SuiteAdvantage, my number is in the process of that I saw this thread, let me try those settings and configuration and hopefully I can use my old gizmo on Onesuite.