Announcing Native Windows Azure Libraries and Special Free Pricing using Twilio for Windows Azure Customers
by Brian Goldfarb
Our friends over at Twilio have been working to make it easier for developers to integrate text message and phone services into applications hosted on Windows Azure using native libraries for Java, PHP and .NET. To sweeten the pot, Twilio and Windows Azure have teamed up to offer 1000 free text messages or inbound voice minutes when you activate your new Twilio account.
Get started today with step-by-step tutorials on how to integrate Twilio services in your application (.NET, PHP, Java) from the Windows Azure Developer Center and take advantage of the free offer from Twilio and Windows Azure.
Sending text messages from Windows Azure has never been so easy. For example with .NET:
//grab the library for .NET using NuGet
PM> Install-Package Twilio
It can be this easy
//put your account info!
string accountSID = "your_twilio_account";
string authToken = "your_twilio_authentication_token";
//grab your account!
TwilioRestClient client;
client = new TwilioRestClient(accountSID, authToken);
Twilio.Account account = client.GetAccount();
// Send an SMS message.
SMSMessage result = client.SendSmsMessage(
"+14155992671", "+12069419717", "Windows Azure and Twilio ROCK!");
// catch the error
if (result.RestException != null)
string message = result.RestException.Message;
Signup for 1000 free text messages or incoming voice minutes today!