What was your first programming language? - Poll by Joe Dwyer
My first programming language was BASIC. I took a class at Fullerton College. All I knew at that point was that I wanted to make games and software. So I was learning everything I could. I started with BASIC, but I wish Small Basic was around back then. I would have taught myself (saved some money) and had a blast in the process!
So what was your first programming language?
Answer in the comments below!
This was originated by Joe's poll (but the link is dead now):
You might want to check out Joe's Principles of Programming, which is available on Amazon.com. It uses Small Basic to teach basic concepts of programming for kids and beginners.
December 01, 2013
MY first was FORTRAN which sort of dates me. My second was a version of BASIC alled Basic Plus. I've been a fan of BASIC ever since.Anonymous
December 04, 2013
Yes! Fortran! Did you find it easy to learn on? Do you wish you would have learned on BASIC or Small Basic instead?Anonymous
December 09, 2013
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 09, 2013
Pascal was what I learned first. First assignment was writing a calculator program.Anonymous
December 09, 2013
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 09, 2013
My first program language (?) was 8080 mnemonic.Anonymous
December 30, 2013
Nonki, when did you use that? Thanks!Anonymous
January 11, 2014
My first language was BASIC from my TI-99 4a connected to my TV. It was great to save programs to the cassette recorder!Anonymous
January 15, 2014
Logo back in 1994 :D :D :DAnonymous
March 20, 2014
Ed, I read a book about NEC TK-80 and understood programing at the first time in 1979.Anonymous
March 26, 2014
Nonki, wow! That's amazing!Anonymous
September 23, 2014
My first was Apple Integer BASIC (Wozniak), then AppleSoft BASIC. I think Bill wrote that version himself 8^)Anonymous
October 21, 2015
Chuck, I'm a bit late, but that's really cool!