Small Basic - Random Numbers
Random numbers can be very useful in your Small Basic games. They can be used to make the game play vary from one game to the next.
The Small Basic keyword to get a random number is Math.GetRandomNumber(maxNumber) . It will return a random integer between 1 and the input value maxNumber.
Here are a few ideas and tips:
Random Position and Speed
We can position sprites with random positions and velocities.
radius `` = ``25
numSprite `` = ``10
gw `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``Width
gh `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``Height
For `` i `` = `` 1 `` To ``numSprite
``sprite``[``i`` ] `` = ``Shapes``.``AddEllipse``(``2``*``radius``,``2``*``radius``)
``spritePosX``[``i`` ] `` = ``radius``+``Math``.``GetRandomNumber``(``gw``-``2``*``radius``)
``spritePosY``[``i`` ] `` = ``radius``+``Math``.``GetRandomNumber``(``gh``-``2``*``radius``)
``spriteVelX``[``i`` ] `` = ``Math``.``GetRandomNumber``(``11``)``-``6
``spriteVelY``[``i`` ] `` = ``Math``.``GetRandomNumber``(``11``)``-``6
While ``"True"
`` For `` i `` = `` 1 `` To ``numSprite
``spritePosX``[``i`` ] `` = ``spritePosX``[``i``]``+``spriteVelX``[``i``]
``spritePosY``[``i`` ] `` = ``spritePosY``[``i``]``+``spriteVelY``[``i``]
`` If ``(``spritePosX``[``i`` ] `` < ``radius`` ) ``Then
``spritePosX``[``i`` ] `` = ``radius
``spriteVelX``[``i`` ] `` = ``-``spriteVelX``[``i``]
`` ElseIf ``(``spritePosX``[``i`` ] `` > ``gw``-``radius`` ) ``Then
``spritePosX``[``i`` ] `` = ``gw``-``radius
``spriteVelX``[``i`` ] `` = ``-``spriteVelX``[``i``]
`` If ``(``spritePosY``[``i`` ] `` < ``radius`` ) ``Then
``spritePosY``[``i`` ] `` = ``radius
``spriteVelY``[``i`` ] `` = ``-``spriteVelY``[``i``]
`` ElseIf ``(``spritePosY``[``i`` ] `` > ``gh``-``radius`` ) ``Then
``spritePosY``[``i`` ] `` = ``gh``-``radius
``spriteVelY``[``i`` ] `` = ``-``spriteVelY``[``i``]
Random Branching
We can randomly do different things in the code, perhaps equivalent to rolling a dice.
dice `` = ``Math``.``GetRandomNumber``(``6``)
If ``(`` dice `` = ``1`` ) ``Then
``TextWindow``.``WriteLine``(``"Do something for a dice roll of 1"``)
ElseIf ``(`` dice `` = ``2`` ) ``Then
``TextWindow``.``WriteLine``(``"Do something for a dice roll of 2"``)
ElseIf ``(`` dice `` = ``3`` ) ``Then
``TextWindow``.``WriteLine``(``"Do something for a dice roll of 3"``)
ElseIf ``(`` dice `` = ``4`` ) ``Then
``TextWindow``.``WriteLine``(``"Do something for a dice roll of 4"``)
ElseIf ``(`` dice `` = ``5`` ) ``Then
``TextWindow``.``WriteLine``(``"Do something for a dice roll of 5"``)
ElseIf ``(`` dice `` = ``6`` ) ``Then
``TextWindow``.``WriteLine``(``"Do something for a dice roll of 6"``)
We could also only do something with a probability, say 1 in 10.
If ``(``Math``.``GetRandomNumber``(``10`` ) `` = ``1`` ) ``Then
``TextWindow``.``WriteLine``(``"This is a 1 in 10 event!!!"``)
``TextWindow``.``WriteLine``(``"A 10% probability event didn't happen"``)
Ranges and Intervals
If we want random numbers over a different range (not 1 to maxNumber) or with smaller intervals, for example 0.2, then we can use the following formula.
rand `` = `` min `` + ``(``Math``.``GetRandomNumber``(``1``+``(``max``-``min``)``/``interval``)``-``1``)``*``interval
Here is an example using this to create random numbers between -5 and 3, with intervals of 0.2.
min `` = ``-``5
max `` = ``3
interval `` = ``0.2
For `` i `` = `` 1 `` To ``1000
Sub ``Random
`` rand `` = `` min `` + ``(``Math``.``GetRandomNumber``(``1``+``(``max``-``min``)``/``interval``)``-``1``)``*``interval
July 13, 2014
Hey I wonder if we can do a community project around random numbers. This is cool, thanks for explaining this, LitDev!Anonymous
July 15, 2014
LitDev, I think there is a slight error in your formula. It generates a random number from min+interval to max+1. You can see in the image that it generates 4.0 when the max is set at 3. If you remove the +1 from the formula then it gets rid of the max+1 error, but I'm not sure how to get it to generate the min as the lowest number.Anonymous
July 16, 2014
Ozjerry - Excellent catch, Does this look right to you. Sub Random rand = min + (Math.GetRandomNumber(1+(max-min)/interval)-1)*interval EndSubAnonymous
July 16, 2014
LitDev - Works perfectly. I ran it through a 10,000 iterations at varying min/max values at it's perfect every time. I tried to fix it myself prior to posting, but just couldn't get it to hit both the min and max values. I figured it was something to do with the fact that GetRandomNumber doesn't generate a zero, but I couldn't figure out the workaround. So kudos to you for working it out. ThanksAnonymous
July 19, 2014
I have corrected the original post - Thanks again Ozjerry.Anonymous
July 22, 2014
The comment has been removed