Small Basic - Flood Fill
A recent Small Basic post about filling a region left by Turtle trails revived an old flood fill program I wrote a while ago.
This is the forum thread, turtle small basic.
And this is the program to flood fill regions.
'FloodFill example - for some theory see
'Draw regions with left mouse button and fill with right mouse button
gw `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``Width
gh `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``Height
GraphicsWindow``.`` MouseMove `` = ``OnMouseMove
GraphicsWindow``.`` MouseDown `` = ``OnMouseDown
GraphicsWindow``.`` MouseUp `` = ``OnMouseUp
mouseMove `` = ``0
mouseDown `` = ``0
rightClick `` = ``0
While ``(``"True"``)
`` If ``(`` mouseDown `` = `` 1 `` And `` mouseMove `` = ``1`` ) ``Then
`` xM `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``MouseX
`` yM `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``MouseY
`` xMLast `` = ``xM
`` yMLast `` = ``yM
`` mouseMove `` = ``0
`` ElseIf ``(`` rightClick `` = ``1`` ) ``Then
`` rightClick `` = ``0
Sub ``fillRegion
`` colOld `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``GetPixel``(``xMLast``,``yMLast``)
`` colFill `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``PenColor
`` While ``(``Stack``.``GetCount``(``"X"`` ) `` > ``0``)
`` x `` = ``Stack``.``PopValue``(``"X"``)
`` y `` = ``Stack``.``PopValue``(``"Y"``)
`` If ``(``GraphicsWindow``.``GetPixel``(``x``,``y`` ) ``<`` > ``colFill`` ) `` Then ``'We could have multiple entries in the stack at x,y so only process those we haven't dealt with
`` If ``(`` x `` > ``0`` ) ``Then
`` If ``(``GraphicsWindow``.``GetPixel``(``x``-``1``,``y`` ) `` = ``colOld`` ) ``Then
`` If ``(`` x `` < ``gw``-``1`` ) `` Then ``'X pixels go from 0 to gw-1
`` If ``(``GraphicsWindow``.``GetPixel``(``x``+``1``,``y`` ) `` = ``colOld`` ) ``Then
`` If ``(`` y `` > ``0`` ) ``Then
`` If ``(``GraphicsWindow``.``GetPixel``(``x``,``y``-``1`` ) `` = ``colOld`` ) ``Then
`` If ``(`` y `` < ``gh``-``1`` ) `` Then ``''Y pixels go from 0 to gh-1
`` If ``(``GraphicsWindow``.``GetPixel``(``x``,``y``+``1`` ) `` = ``colOld`` ) ``Then
Sub ``OnMouseMove
`` mouseMove `` = ``1
Sub ``OnMouseDown
``GraphicsWindow``.`` PenColor `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``GetRandomColor``(``)
`` xMLast `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``MouseX
`` yMLast `` = ``GraphicsWindow``.``MouseY
`` If ``(``Mouse``.``IsLeftButtonDown`` ) ``Then
`` mouseDown `` = ``1
`` ElseIf ``(``Mouse``.``IsRightButtonDown`` ) ``Then
`` rightClick `` = ``1
Sub ``OnMouseUp
`` mouseDown `` = ``0
While this program works fine, it is slow.
I added a new method to the LitDev extension to do a 'flood fill' quicker. Internally it uses exactly the same method, but doesn't have to load the drawing bitmap and other over-heads for each end every pixel check or change.
The new command is about 100 times faster and replaces fillRegion() with LDGraphicsWindow.FloodFill(GraphicsWindow.MouseX,GraphicsWindow.MouseY,GraphicsWindow.PenColor) in the code sample.
September 26, 2014
nice one .. <a href:>make in india</a>Anonymous
September 28, 2014
GraphicsWindow.Width=800 GraphicsWindow.Height=600 GraphicsWindow.PenColor="#000099" GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(320,220,100,100) GraphicsWindow.DrawEllipse(350,250,100,100) x=400 y=300 if GraphicsWindow.GetPixel(x,y)="#000000" Then Stack.PushValue("festx",x) Stack.PushValue("festy",y) While Stack.GetCount("festx")>0 x=stack.PopValue("festx") y=stack.PopValue("festy") GraphicsWindow.SetPixel(x,y,"#000099") For i=-1 to 1 For j=-1 To 1 if GraphicsWindow.GetPixel(x+i,y+j)="#000000" Then Stack.PushValue("festx",x+i) Stack.PushValue("festy",y+j) GraphicsWindow.SetPixel(x+i,y+j,"#000099") EndIf EndFor EndFor EndWhile EndIfAnonymous
September 29, 2014
Nice variant miskei, using a loop to detect neighbour points - since the SetPixel and GetPixel are slow, best to use them as little as possible. For eample the SetPixel in the For i, For j loops is unnexessary, and we don'tneed to check for some combinations of i and j (e.g. i=j=0 or i=j=1). This works just as well I think, but is a bit faster. For i=-1 to 1
For j=-1 To 1
If (i*j = 0 And i+j <> 0) Then
if GraphicsWindow.GetPixel(x+i,y+j)="#000000" Then