New Year Challenges
Happy New Year and welcome to another set of monly challenges for Small Basic, Challenge of the Month - January 2015.
Small Challenge
- Write a TextWindow program to read in some numbers from a user. It continues to read them in until the user enters something that isn't a number. When a set of numbers are input, calculate the average of the numbers and ask the user if they want to do it again.
- Try to do it without using any GoTo statements; use Arrays, While, If and For statements.
Intermediate Challenge
- Write a program to record key strokes and replay them later. Prefereably replay with the same time intervals, like a Macro Record and Play.
Game Challenge
- Write a maze game that is navigated by the turtle, using arrow keys.
- Perhaps add a timer to see how quickly the player can navigate the maze.
- The trickiest bit will be preventing the turtle cross maze boundaries - perhaps share suggestions for this bit.
Graphics Challenge
- Draw some Lissajous Figures in the GraphicsWindow.
Community Suggestions (by Nonki)
- Draw a sine curve in TextWindow.
- Draw ASCII art in TextWindow.
- Create a simple text browser for TextWindow which shows only text from an internet page.
- Anonymous
January 05, 2015
Looking forward to the maze games!