Moon Lander - Small Basic Featured Programs
Today I'd like to introduce 'moon lander' type programs that came from Challenge of the Month - October 2014. The challenge was:
Game Challenge
Write a 'moon lander' type program.
All these moon landers are controlled by arrow keys. Have fun!
LEM by Coding Cat
Program ID TQL943
Here is my submission for the Lander challenge. I have been tweaking this one on and off for a while. I focused on making an accurate simulation rather than worrying about the graphics. The moon's gravity is exactly 0.25g and the max thrust of the lander is exactly that of the LEM.
To land safely you need to be traveling slower than 2m per second.
Moon Lander by NaochanON
Program ID PNR896-0
Download Rocket.png, Fire.png, and play locally.
Lunar Module by Nonki Takahashi
Program ID DTF312-2
January 05, 2015
That looks really cool Nonki! Great work!Anonymous
January 05, 2015
These are awesome! Thanks Nonki, NaochanON, and Coding Cat!