Join the Big Challenge project - Small Basic Marionette
From today, the new Big Challenge started in Small Basic forum. Why don't you join this challenge?
This thread is for a new group challenge dropped out from the Monthly Challenges.
This challenge is intended for people who are learning to program together within a group using Small Basic.
Please post your application / suggestions / questions / feedback etc. into this thread that will remain ‘sticky’ for the month.
Also post feedback on the kind of challenges that you want to see more of in the future.
Group Challenge
- Apply in this thread to create a group (with two or more people).
- Then create a marionette (or puppet) per group which can be moved by user interaction.
Current Contributors
- Ed Price - the marionette graphics or UI
- litdev - to write a prototype of a motion dynamics engine
- Jibba Jabba - suggested like / don't like counter
- Nonki Takahashi - to make bitmaps from your design (picture)
- Anonymous
September 02, 2014
Looking forward to it!