Chess Clock!!! - Small Basic Featured Program
Continuing the tradition started by VIjay back in October 2008 (Sample of the Week), here is our featured Small Basic program... Chess Clock!!!
This great program comes from Athasak! Enjoy!
As a bonus, here's another good program from Athasak; this simply draws a geometric pattern:
- Ninja Ed
April 30, 2014
Hi, I am "Athasak" and I am new here. I can't realize that the programs I made are shown up there but I'll pretend I do. xD (hahahahaha...). Anyway... thank you very much Mr.Ed Price, I really appreciate your interest and I would like you to know that it makes me very happy! And I would like to thank Mr.Nonki Takahashi too, the idea of making a pattern was his so... :) ^_^Anonymous
April 30, 2014
Welcome, Athasak! Both programs are fun, and that's why we're here!Anonymous
April 30, 2014
Fun? :) Well then... if you wish to have fun you should check this out ;) Import ID: SFQ431 This is a program of a robot that I made and it was an idea for a future challenge given by Mr.Nonki Takahashi. NOTE: Keep in mind that it doesn't work online so you should import it in "Microsoft small Basic". ;)