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Beatles RockBand website wins coveted FWA “Site of the day” award – a first for Silverlight

September 29, 2009: Judges from the Website awards program and Web institution, the Favourite Website Awards (FWA) , chalked up another milestone for Silverlight, selecting the Xbox Beatles RockBand websiteto receive the coveted ‘Site of the Day’ award .

Founded in 2000, the Favourite Website Awards (FWA) is an industry recognized awards program, showcasing websites who use cutting edge technology and inspirational ideas to demonstrate the state of the art in website design. Among the millions of visitors every year, Web designers and developers across the globe turn to the to get inspired and see what’s possible. The FWA also features interviews and articles with designers and developers of winning websites .

FWA showcases one site every day, a Site Of The Day (SOTD), with a Site Of The Month (SOTM) being selected at the end of each calendar month from that month’s SOTDs. At the end of each year the twelve SOTM winners enter the contest for the People’s Choice Award (PCA), first introduced in 2002, and for the overall Site Of The Year (SOTY), first established in 2000. Thisis the first SOTD to be awarded to a site built in Silverlight – and we predict it will be the first of many !

The Beatles RockBandsite was designed by digital agency AKQAwho previously won 25 FWA awards including 5 SOTMs .

The Beatles RockBand game was released on 9th September 2009 to coincide with the release of the new remastered CD versions of The Beatles albums .

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