SQL Server 2008 overview video (built entirely in Silverlight!)
Check out https://www.microsoft.com/sql/2008/overviewdemo/ for a new video that provides a high level overview of what's in SQL Server 2008. Quite an easy way to learn about the platform for the next generation of data-driven applications!
September 18, 2007
Can't view. Keep getting an AG_E_NETWORK_ERRORAnonymous
September 18, 2007
Hi - can you view other Silverlight videos? For example, can you see the tafiti video on http://blogs.msdn.com/ronang/archive/2007/08/21/tafiti-a-new-search-experience-with-silverlight-and-live-search.aspx ? What OS / browser etc. do you have? Feel free to use the contact link on my blog to send me more details...(http://blogs.msdn.com/ronang/contact.aspx)Anonymous
September 18, 2007
just put a video in wmv format and do not trouble your readersAnonymous
September 18, 2007
Hi lexp, can I infer from your comment that you had problems viewing the video? If so please let me know. I think the Silverlight video is an easy/quick way to take in the information, and it also has closed captioning (presumably done using Expression Media encoder). If you want to read instead can also get a ton of SQL Server 2008 information at http://www.microsoft.com/sql/2008/default.mspx.Anonymous
September 19, 2007
Silverlight 1.0 works fine for me, and seems like a good fit or this ype of content.Anonymous
September 19, 2007
am getting same error ... something is broken.Anonymous
September 19, 2007
I have forwarded the feeback to the person responsible for the content who will look into it. If I hear anything back I will post here. FYI I used Silverlight 1.1 alpha with Windows Vista Enterprise and it works fine for me.Anonymous
September 21, 2007
You guys behind ISA server or something? Same error message here.Anonymous
September 25, 2007
Connected over VPN I couldn't watch the video. After disconnecting, I was able to view it.