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The ARMA Houston Conference

I had the opportunity last week to participate in the ARMA Houston 2006 conference (, including presenting two sessions – one as a “vendor” providing an overview of the records management features in the 2007 release of the Office system, and one as a “practitioner” describing the e-mail records management pilot that has been implemented internally at Microsoft. (A subject that will certainly end up discussed on this blog as well).

A few acknowledgements are definitely in order:

· Thank you to Mike Alsup and the ARMA Houston chapter for putting on such a great event and inviting us to participate.

· Thank you to conference attendees who participated in our sessions or who I spoke with during the week – I hope that our presentations were as valuable for you as your attendance was for us.

· Thanks also to Bob Williams, president of Cohasset Associates, for mentioning during his session that we’ll be presenting at the “Managing Electronic Records” conference in Chicago, IL on May 22nd.

For those who are planning to attend the MER conference, we look forward to seeing you there.

- Ethan Gur-esh
Program Manager