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Deanne Fitzmaurice Shoots Barry Bonds

by Jeff Greene /



© 2007 Deanne Fitzmaurice


Pulitzer Prize winning photographer and Microsoft Icon of Imaging Deanne Fitzmaurice was recently the subject of an article by Peter Skinner in Rangefinder magazine. The article was featured in the RF Cookbook section of the magazine and was titled, "Deanne Fitzmaurice: Behind the Scenes with Barry Bonds" . It offers a detailed account of the time and effort Deanne invested gaining San Francisco Giants slugger Barry Bonds confidence enough so that she could photograph him outside the ballpark and document his softer side and personal life.


As Skinners' article states,


"Great photographs can result from technique and sophisticated equipment or something as basic as a simple conversation—you know, actually approaching someone."


It was indeed a simple question from Deanne that started the remarkable process that offered readers of the San Francisico Chronicle an up close and personal view of a very controversial sports celebrity.  Using photography to show Barry Bonds' personal side undoubtedly tempered many heated opinions surrounding Bonds last few years in baseball.



Deanne Fitzmaurice


Deanne has recently left the Chronicle to shoot freelance full-time. Her work can be viewed on the Microsoft Pro Photo website as well as her personal website at  She has also partnered with her husband, photographer Kurt Rogers, and founded ThinkTank Photo where they have drawn on their many years of collective experience to design some of the finest camera bags and accessories to be found anywhere.
