Migrating from Project Server 2003 to Project Server 2007
Project Server 2007 is a major release that involves fundamental architectural changes. It is vital that you plan the migration carefully and meticulously - and we have a migration guide in Beta1 (and are planning on an updated one in Beta2) that would help you with that. We strongly encourage you to migrate your Project Server 2003 with the beta version for the migration utility and report issues if you have any.
Upgrade versus Migration
Upgrade is about changing your data in place (i.e. you have Project Server 2003, run upgrade and then you have Project Server 2007) and you can't go back to Project Server 2003. Migration is about taking data from Project Server 2003, fixing things up and then saving it to Project Server 2007. At the end of migration, you will have Project Server 2003 and Project Server 2007. Project Server 2003 to Project Server 2007 is a MIGRATION process, not UPGRADE!
Some more FAQs:
Q: Is cross language migration supported? That is, could I migrate from Project Server 2003 English to Project Server 2007 French?
A: Cross language migration is not supported. We only support migrating across the same language. But after migration, appropriate language packs may be applied on Project Server 2007 to get a similar effect.
Q: Can we consolidate data from multiple Project Server 2003 instances into one Project Server 2007 instance? That is, can I consolidate https://2003PWA/Dept1 and https://2003PWA/Dept2 into a single https://2007PWA/Single?
A: No, you can't do this as part of Project 2007 migration. If you have 2 Project Server 2003 instances, say https://2003PWA/Dept1 and https://2003PWA/Dept2, you need to migrate them to two separate Project Server 2007 instances (i.e. https://2007PWA/Dept1 and https://2007PWA/Dept2).
Q: I migrated a subset of projects to Project Server 2007. If there are users who are on Project Server 2003 projects AND Project Server 2007 projects, how do I manage Resource availability?
A: There is no easy answer to this. In the period when you are operating 2 servers - you won't get an updated resource availability view in either Project Server 2003 or Project Server 2007. So, we recommend that you don't have Project in a side-by-side state for an extended period of time. Alternatively you could build a custom solution that gets resource availability from the two systems and presents a unified view.
Q: Will "linked projects" and "master projects" get migrated?
A: Yes, they will be migrated.
Q: I have Project Server authenticated users in Project Server 2003. After migration, I find no way to login as those users. Did they get migrated?
A: Yes, they got migrated. But you need to setup forms authentication for Project Server 2007 to enable their login (Project Server 2007 relies on the SharePoint/ASP.NET forms authentication infrastructure).
March 01, 2006
We are currently using 2002 and considering moving to 2003. Should we just skip 2003 and wait for 2007? Hi Dean - this really depends on what your company is interested in doing. We have made a lot of improvements from 2002 to 2003. You can read more about them at http://www.microsoft.com/project/ - there were performance improvements and many new features. So, there is a lot to gain from upgrading to 2003 now since we won't be shipping P12 until the second half of the year. If you would like to know more about an area in specific, please send a message directly to me and we can discuss it offline. I'd be happy to give you some guidance. Thanks, LidianeAnonymous
March 10, 2006
Looks like P12 is going to be packed with the features. I've enjoyed working with P'03 and hope new experience would be even more rewarding.
Just a couple of questions:
1. Are there any improvements in Resource Leveling? Is the RL API going to be open (i.e. to customize behaviour).
2. Is Web access going to be tied to IExplorer only?
3. It would really help if there was a possibility to tie custom information to the Task dependencies (without messing with the DB and Add-ins). Are you going to provide that kind of functionality in P12?
Once again, thank you for the great product!Anonymous
March 19, 2006
Is Project 2007 Web Access going to require a .NET 2.0 client, due to the fact that typed datasets are passed as return values ? [Lidiane] Project 2007 will require .NET 2.0. The installation will not proceed until you have .NET 2.0 installed on the server.Anonymous
July 06, 2006
Will project Web Access function with alternative browsers (firefox and safari)?Anonymous
July 24, 2006
i have project server 2003, with .NET custom reports that retrieves its data from the database directly. will these reports be affected using update or migration to 2007?
July 24, 2006
Project Server 2003 is only of limited use if your organization needs to comply with Sarbanes Oxley Act, and your management of strategic projects must support SOx sections 302 and 404. Even 409 (real-time issuer disclosure) may pose a risk.
An example: As a project manager the organization may exclude me from creating and manipulating baselines. As a trainer, I know the hidden doors which allow the project manager to get these data under control again.
Another one: Project 2003 documents the date and time when a baseline has been saved. SOx compliant strategic projects must also document who saved them. And who accessed them later. This documentation again must be stored at a place where it can not be manipulated.
A third one: Deleting tasks in Microsoft Project after baselining should no more be possible in such a protected environment. I am aware that the database in Project Server 2003 still maintains the task records, but they are no more accessible from
the Project desktop and are somehow "lost" in the system. From a users point of view, when you delete a baselined task, the baseline information is deleted as well.
A forth one: Data integrity and data quality must be secured to a certain degree by the softwares (server and desktop). Project 2003 has not sufficient functionality to do that.
Has this requirement - SOx compliance for strategic projects - been addressed in Project Server 2007?
Thanks a lot, Oliver F. Lehmann, PMPAnonymous
December 11, 2006
How do you move from Project Server 2003 to Project Server 2003 on a new domain. Both project servers are installed each on a small business server 2003. Of course neither server can see the other. How do you transfer the user accounts, logons from old server to new server. once this is done what is procedure to migrate new project server 2003 to project server 2007.Anonymous
December 18, 2006
I would also like to know if Microsoft Office Project 2007 web access will finally work in modern web browsers such as Firefox, Opera, and/or Safari?Anonymous
April 12, 2007
Hi! After migration from Project Server 2003 to 2007, in SecurityManage Users i can't view any user, but after search i see that user present and active. How to make all users visible by default, sach as in 2003 server? Thanks.Anonymous
April 20, 2007
Just migrated to 2007. Some issues: propsed resources can see their tasks on My Tasks? Is this a bug? IS their a fix? Also, how do you asign multiple resources to an Activity Plan task? Also, a major problem - projects are migrated to 2007 with % complete changes (future tasks even). Run into this before? How do you fix?Anonymous
April 24, 2007
hi, Is there any migration of Project server 2003 to project server 2007 Step by step guide followed with screenshots ? Thanks.Anonymous
April 28, 2007
As Andrey said, i can´t see any user on SecurityManage Users But i see them as a member of a migrated Project Server 2003 Group. I got 2 questions: 1_ How do i see this users on SecurityManage Users (as Andrey Asqued). 2_ If my users exist even though i can´t see them, and they are also Enterprise resources. What happens if i create a PS2007 user with the same name? Thanks. Ignacio.Anonymous
April 28, 2007
As Andrey said, i can´t see any user on SecurityManage Users But i see them as a member of a migrated Project Server 2003 Group. I got 2 questions: 1_ How do i see this users on SecurityManage Users (as Andrey Asqued). 2_ If my users exist even though i can´t see them, and they are also Enterprise resources. What happens if i create a PS2007 user with the same name? Thanks. Ignacio.Anonymous
May 28, 2007
I would like clarification on this as well. From http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/2/3/c23bc250-5f80-4d0c-a29d-877355ff91e8/Microsoft%20Office%20Project%20Server%202007%20VPAT.doc, it seems like Firefox should work. However, from http://technet2.microsoft.com/Office/en-us/library/b782f9a5-054b-486b-b20b-52148466f0611033.mspx?mfr=true, it seems that only IE 6 & 7 are supported. If ActiveX really is required, I feel that the term "Web" should be removed from the name of the product. After all , it is still the World Wide Web Consortium that defines web standards. I'm working on projects that involve multiple platforms, so I ha hoped that I would be able to access the project schedules from any of the computer on the project. It seems perfectly reasonable to me to expect the server to be Windows, but web clients should work on any standards compliant platform ( where platfom = browser & OS)Anonymous
November 07, 2007
Nope, it does not support Firefox. If you go to the first link, http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/2/3/c23bc250-5f80-4d0c-a29d-877355ff91e8/Microsoft%20Office%20Project%20Server%202007%20VPAT.doc, you will see that the document states that all DOCUMENTATION should work in Firefox. It says nothing about the actual web access. It seems it won't work in non-IE browsers, since active-x controls are needed.Anonymous
June 02, 2008
It was useful. But i need some more details. 1)Advantages of upgrading to 2007?
- Differences in how timesheets are handled? What would the workflow be, are there any controls so data is not changed once it is submitted?
- Re-training requirement, which areas are different?
- Process for upgrading, e.g. are there any issues with the current data?
- How is custom field information transferred during the upgrade?
- Does 2007 allow for direct access from multiple locations (without the use of Citrix)?
- Does 2007 allow multiple servers to share the same database? Thanks Jai
March 19, 2009
I have successfully migrated all the projects, but when i checked risks, issues, and documents in PS2007 pwa i can not see them. Is there anyway to migrate risks issues and documents from ps 2003 projects/workspaces to PS 2007 workspaces?Anonymous
August 08, 2010
Hello , We have recently started to work with a client and as part of our engagement is to migrate the 2003 project server to 2010 project server , so we are now in the process of migrating to 2007 as a start , the problem is the client only have a database file only that can i proceed from there without having to install project server 2003 and all the other stuff ? thank you in advance for your help