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Networking Roles Analysis Part Two: FreeRADIUS

by MichaelF on September 14, 2006 01:45pm

In addition to technical tips, blogs and video interviews, the Open Source Software Lab at Microsoft conducts a number of technical analysis and research projects throughout the year to help inform and solve key interoperability challenges between Microsoft and open source technologies.  This paper is part two of three.  The first paper in this series discussing DHCP can be found here.


This paper is an evaluation and teardown of the GNU GPL-licensed FreeRADIUS software (  This document includes a detailed analysis of the features that are supported by the server as well as an analysis of the configuration, management and overall usability of the system.

Much of the analysis was done on a RedHat Enterprise Linux version 4 (RHEL4) system using the vendor-supplied FreeRADIUS package, which at the time of writing is version 1.0.1.  The latest package from the project website is version 1.1.0, which was also analyzed for additional features.

Download the Networking Roles Analysis-Free RADIUS paper (.PDF, 396k)
