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NEW F# User Group Kicking Off In NYC – 12/6/2010

FSharpNYCUGLogo The Microsoft developer community in New York City continues to grow.  In the past two months we’ve seen new groups around Biz Intelligence & Windows Phone 7.  This month, I’m excited to let you know about a new group popping up around the newest of .NET languages:  F#!   Richard Minerich & Howard Mansell have set up the new group on 

Via the NYC F# Meetup

A group for both learning functional programming and exploring the limits of the F# programming language. Programmers of all skill levels and backgrounds are welcome.

This first meeting of the New York City F# User group will be hosted by Richard Minerich and Howard Mansell. We'll be digging into some of the basics of the language and discussing some of the things that make F# great.

The group’s kick off meeting will be on Monday, December 6th, 2010 in the Microsoft NYC Offices.  Visit the group’s new site on Meetup to register.  Hope to see folks out on the 6th!