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Fairfield/Westchester Code Camp – Call For Speakers

Via the Fairfield/Westchester .NET code camp organizers

On Saturday November 8th, 2008, the Fairfield / Westchester developer community will be holding our second Fairfield / Westchester Code Camp! The event will be hosted by The University of Connecticut School of Business, at the Stamford Campus.

The continuing goal of the Code Camps series is to provide an intensive developer-to-developer learning experience that is fun and technically stimulating. The primary focus is on delivering programming information and sample code that can be put to practical use. The event is free.

This is an event by the developer community, for the developer community. The content is original and developed by you. Let’s work together to make this event a success.

The call for speakers is now open! (Registration will open in a couple of weeks.)  Please submit your ideas for sessions. The topic does not have to be completely .NET specific. Although we may primarily use .NET tools, we’re often using other tools these days when they make sense for the job. Here are some suggestions:

SQL Server 2008 Visual Studio 2008 Silverlight 2.0 Web 2.0 ALT.NET Topics Windows Communication Foundation Windows Presentation Foundation Windows Workflow Foundation Windows CardSpace Microsoft MVC AJAX LINQ Web Services & REST Frameworks Data Access OR Mapping Code Generation .NET 3.5 Agile Development Benefits of Virtualization for Developers SOA, and What it Really Means Open Source Tools for .NET Developers Creating Usable Software Domain Specific Languages Dynamic Languages & the DLR Software Factories JSON vs. XML

Don’t forget, this is for developers. We’re looking for examples, code, experiences, tips & tricks, sample projects, etc. Less PowerPoint, and more code, examples, and discussion. To learn more about the event please visit the website.

FairfieldWestchesterOldMapIf you are interested in speaking at the Code Camp, please e-mail the information listed below, to: Speakers AT

Please supply:

  • Name
  • Company
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Track Level (basic, intermediate, advanced)
  • Session name
  • Session description

Based on the outstanding response we received last year, we anticipate (we hope) more speakers then we have slots for, and there are a lot of great speakers and topics. Please don’t be discouraged if we don’t select your proposed session(s). We’ll be choosing topics based upon community interest and flow. It may even be possible that we decide your session would be better off in a dedicated user group meeting, instead.

The session lengths will be a bit longer than last year’s hour-long sessions. That was the number one criticism last year — the sessions ended too quickly. We plan on three tracks, with each session lasting 1:15. So instead of the three tracks of 7 sessions we had last year, we’re probably looking at three tracks of 6 sessions, totaling 18 sessions. It’ll probably run from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM.

Once your outline is received, we will review, choose, and provide scheduling for the selected sessions.
