Blog Comment Spam
I used to hear others complain about it, but now it's finally been hitting me. I've been getting a LOT of blog comment spam. At first it was manageable. I could just go into the Community Server admin tool and delete the 10 or so a day that would be there. But now I'm getting 100s per day! I'm afraid real comments may be getting lost in there. I'm going to possibly have to turn off anonymous commenting to prevent this, but I don't want to.
If you have posted a comment here on my blog and not seen it published, send me an e-mail through the "E-Mail" link on the top of the blog and I will try to find your comment in the mix and publish it.
June 14, 2007
Peter, the guy from uses poor man's captcha. The word to enter is always "ORANGE." He claims it keeps the bad guys at bay. Maybe you can try something like that as well. Take Luck!Anonymous
June 15, 2007
Thanks Luis for the tip. I've thought about doing that. However, I can't control/modify the instance of Community Server that hosts my blog on to add a CAPTCHA. Perhaps that's one more reason for me to consider taking my blog "independent" from the mother ship. :) -Peter