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Azure Auto-Scaling with Scott Reed on MSDN geekSpeak 3-9-2011

My colleagues, Glen Gordon & Lynn Langit, co-host a bi-weekly “webcast” called MSDN geekSpeak. I say “webcast” in quotes because it’s really more of a free-form radio show than a standard Microsoft webcast.  But actually, calling it a radio show isn’t accurate either! That’s because it does involve video and screen sharing.  During each episode, they have a guest on to, not only talk about a given developer technology but, to show it off live in Visual Studio!  It’s a fun format where the viewers/listeners can interact with the hosts & guest via online chat to ask questions and get answers.

geekSpeakLogoThis week, Glen & Lynn are having Scott Reed on to discuss something that’s of interest to me: Auto-scaling in Windows Azure.  I’ve been speaking about Windows Azure a lot lately at various Microsoft and community events.  One of the biggest benefits of cloud computing is the “on demand” aspect of it.  I can use as little or as much of it as I need and pay as I go.  One category of question I hear frequently is, “How do I know when I need more compute ‘power’, and does this happen automatically?”

This doesn’t happen automatically today, as the application developer is the only one who can truly ‘know’ when it’s time to add or remove a server. However, the facilities available in Azure make it possible for the developer to automate this process based on the application’s needs.  Join Glen, Lynn, and Scott on this Wednesday 3/9/2011 at 3pm Eastern to learn more and ask the questions you have on this topic!


If you can’t make it for the Live recording on Wednesday, geekSpeak is published a few days later on Channel 9.  To learn more about MSDN’s geekSpeak, visit the geekSpeak Blog.

BTW… they’ll be back with another episode related to cloud computing on March 23rd with Ike Ellis discussing Data Sync in SQL Azure!
