Windows Intune Wave D introduskjonskurs
Onsdag 9 januar 2013 klokken 0830-1200 arrangerer vi et Windows Intune introduskjonskurs for partnere i auditoriet hos Microsoft Norge.
Vi ønsker at så mange nye, potensielle og eksisterende Intune partnere deltar, og alle er velkommen.
Påmelding sendes på mail til og siste frist for påmelding er mandag 7/1 2013.
0830 – 0900 Registrering og kaffe
0900 – 0910 Velkommen til Windows Intune Wave D
Arne Hartmann, Produktsjef Windows
0910 – 0940 Windows Intune Wave D – What is new?
Windows Intune Evolution, Key Customer Scenarios, Unified Management Solution - Integration with SCCM 2012 SP1, New Features in Wave D
Susan Smith, Windows Intune Technical Solutions Professional
0940 – 1010 Demo of the Wave D Console
General Overview, Configuring Mobile Device Management and the new enhanced Security Features,
Configuring Software packages for deployment to W8, RT, WP8, iOS & Android platforms, customising your portal, reports
Susan Smith, Windows Intune Technical Solutions Professional
1010 – 1025 Break
1025 – 1045 User Experience: – software self-service, Susan Smith
RT Device, Windows Phone 8, Windows 8 PC, iOS Devices, Android Device
Susan Smith, Windows Intune Technical Solutions Professional
1045 – 1115 Selling Windows Intune
How to purchase and how to sell. Licensing.
Thomas Spångberg, Windows Intune Sales Manager
1115 – 1200 Lunch and discussions