Nye lisenskurs med lisensguru Jelle Kooi
Hei Lisens partnere
Jelle Kooi er tilbake og holder lisenskurs "Desktop & Server Virtualization" den 3. mai (og 4.mai).
Det vil bli kjørt 2 Live meetings og 2 on-site kurs (begrenset med plass), i tillegg vil det være innlegg vedrørende Server virtualisering for hostere på "Hosting Day".
Desktop Virtualization for LARs - 3.mai kl 09.00 - 10.00 NB. begrenset med plasser, men vi vil også kjøre LiveMeetings (se under):
By attending this session, you will learn how to license virtual desktop environments. Topics covered are:
- Windows client operating system virtualization rights
- Licensing a Windows Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) using Windows VDA, Windows SA and VDI Suites
- Licensing Microsoft Office and other desktop applications in a virtual desktop environment
- Thin Clients: Qualified Desktops or not?
Server virtualization for LARs - 3.mai kl 10.30 - 12.30 NB. begrenset med plasser, men vi vil også kjøre LiveMeetings (se under):
By attending this session, you will learn how to license virtual server environments. Topics covered are:
- Licensing Windows Server when virtualizing your customers' servers
- Licensing Server/CAL products such as Exchange for use on virtual servers
- Licensing SQL Server through processor licensing for use on virtual servers
- Licensing System Center products for server virtualization
- Moving your customers' server workloads to the cloud using the new License Mobility for Software Assurance
Live Meeting Desktop Virtualization for Partners - LIVE MEETING, 3.mai kl 13.30 - 14.30
By attending this Live Meeting, you will learn how to license virtual desktop environments. Topics covered are:
- Windows client operating system virtualization rights
- Licensing a Windows Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) using Windows VDA, Windows SA and VDI Suites
- Licensing Microsoft Office and other desktop applications in a virtual desktop environment.
Live Meeting Server Virtualization for Partners - LIVE MEETING, 4.mai kl 13.30 - 14.30
By attending this Live Meeting, you will learn how to license virtual server environments. Topics covered are:
- Licensing Windows Server when virtualizing your customers' servers
- Licensing Server/CAL products such as Exchange for use on virtual servers
- Licensing SQL Server through processor licensing for use on virtual servers
- Licensing System Center products for server virtualization
- Moving your customers' server workloads to the cloud using the new License Mobility for Software Assurance