Ny påmeldingsfrist: 21. desember LEAP-programmet (Lead Enterprise Architect Program)
Fristen er utvidet og dere har mulighet til å bli med på LEAP 2013-programmet!
Microsoft Norge inviterer til LEAP 2013 – et program for arkitekter og erfarne utviklere. Programmet gir en unik teknisk innsikt i våre løsninger og produkter, og inkluderer en tur til Microsoft Campus i Redmond.
Registrering gjøres på https://reg.congresso.no/Microsoft/LEAP/ Påmeldingsfrist 14. desember, les mer her hvis du ønsker mer informasjon om programmet eller ta kontakt med Thomas.Svensen@microsoft.com.
The Lead Enterprise Architect Program (LEAP) is a program targeted at developing know-how and insight on core components of the Microsoft platform. The audience is software architect at Microsoft partners and customers.
The core deliverables of LEAP are 5 master class training sessions and a journey to Redmond together with the other LEAP participants. LEAP will cover the Microsoft platform from a holistic point of view. The master classes will be held monthly, starting in January and ending in June. The trip to Redmond will be in May.
The program fee is 17.000 NOK excl. VAT. This includes all session, dinners and selected tours. Flights to and accommodation in Redmond is not included in the fee.
Deadline for applying is December 21th.