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The MTV show was broadcast about half an hour ago, now the new site is up, as well as some new content on too.  The first site has a flash graphic that lets you view the console and controller from different angles


UPDATE also  check out the Xbox 360 video on the 30MB "HIGH" download WMV file for a few more details. If you can't find the link its

for the lowndown on the guts of it - including a a teraflop of Overall System Floating-Point Performance (1 trillion floating point operations/per sec) a custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU (Three symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each, Two hardware threads per core; six hardware threads total) with 512MB of RAM

All games supported at 16:9, 720p, and 1080i, anti-aliasing

Standard-definition and high-definition video output supported

Built-in Media Center Extender for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005

Digital entertainment: Amplify your music, photos, video, and TV. Watch progressive-scan DVD movies right out of the box. Rip music to the Xbox 360 hard drive and share your latest digital pictures with friends. Make the connection, and Xbox 360 instantly streams the digital media stored on your MP3 player, digital camera, Media Center PC, or any Microsoft® Windows® XP-based PC.


Also thankfully there are wired as well as wireless controllers (including the headset)


Another page that caught my eye was which sounds like a lot of new features over and above the Media Centre Extender for Xbox (I have a US NTSC box at home that I use) :


Xbox 360™ is an integrated music, picture, games, and movie center. 

Use the camera to video chat or send video messages to friends across the globe via Xbox Live™ .
Stream recorded television, videos, movies, music, and photos from your Windows® XP Media Center PC straight to your Xbox 360. Enjoy all your digital entertainment on demand throughout your home with one integrated system.

Play progressive-scan DVD movies right out of the box.

Connect your portable music device to enjoy your favorite music while playing a game or chatting with friends online.

Listen to FM and Internet radio.

Receive game invites from friends while playing games, watching movies, or listening to music.

Enjoy and share your digital photos with friends and family.
Keep in touch with instant messaging via Windows Messenger and Xbox Live.

Get one-button access to the Xbox Guide, an entertainment gateway that instantly connects players to the Xbox 360 experience: your games, your friends, your music.