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Wellington Windows Mobile User Group meeting Thursday June 9th, 2005

Details for the next Windows Mobile User Group meeting have just been sent out:


The next Wellington Windows Mobile User Group meeting will be held on Thursday June 9th, 2005. This is a bit sooner than our usual bi-monthly schedule but it is being timed to coincide with recent announcements from Microsoft regarding Windows Mobile 5.0 and upcoming Exchange Server SP2.

Nathan Mercer will be presenting to us on the new features in Windows Mobile 5.0 and a discussion on Exchange Server mobility futures including push-email.

Darryl Burling will be giving us an overview of the new features for developers in Windows Mobile 5.0
Location: Microsoft, Mobil on the Park, Lambton Quay
Date: Thursday June 9, 2005
Time: 6pm - 8pm

6:00 pm New features of Windows Mobile 5.0 and future of mobility with Exchange Server ( Nathan Mercer, Microsoft NZ)
6:30 pm New features for developers in Windows Mobile 5.0 (Darryl Burling, Microsoft NZ)
7:00 pm Q & A
7:15 pm Drinks and nibbles
8:00 pm Wrap up

About the Speakers:
Nathan Mercer ( is a Technology Evangelist from Microsoft Wellington

Darryl Burling ( is a Developer Envangelist for Microsoft NZ.

After these sessions, there will be a general Q&A session where we encourage you to ask questions and talk further about more specific scenarios.

Thanks as always to our sponsors without whom we wouldn't be able to run the group. A big thanks to Microsoft for hosting the meeting.

Sign Up!
Event entry is FREE, however you must register for this event by entering your details in at

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We look forward to seeing you on the 9th of June!

Kind Regards
Brendon Steer
User Group Co-ordinator