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Wellington Exchange User Group on Wednesday

Just a reminder that the Exchange User Group is on in Wellington this week:


If you have already registered for the User Group meeting this week, then this is a reminder! We look forward to seeing you there.

If you haven’t registered, but would like to attend, you can still register by emailing

The next meeting of the New Zealand Exchange User Group is being held onWednesday 4th October, 4pm -6pm atMicrosoft House, Level 12, Mobil on the Park, Wellington (above Astoria on Midland Park, Lambton Quay).. 



4:10 - 4:40 Peter O'Dowd, blade

Exchange Server 2007

Discuss and demonstrate some of the new features of Exchange Server 2007 (to be released in the next few months). Topics include, an understanding of Exchange Server 2007 - enabling you to prepare and have less surprises when it releases, heaps of demos using Beta2 of Exchange Server 2007. I’ll call on Nathan Mercer to assist in answering some of your questions that require the ‘official’ response J

Also, I’m keen for your input, do you have any particular questions? Technical or otherwise, if so please reply to this mail item with them. I’ll get them answered by the resources available to our group J


4:40 – 5:10 Tony Murray, Fish Eagle Ltd.

Tony is a Windows Server - Directory Services MVP 

The Identity Integration Feature Pack (IIFP) is the cut-down version of Microsoft's Identity Integration Server (MIIS). One of the key features is its built-in ability to synchronise Global Address List (GAL) information between Exchange organisations in different AD forests. GAL Sync is an increasingly common requirement as organisations restructure, but there has not been a signficant uptake of IIFP in New Zealand, despite it having been around a while.  

Tony will briefly cover the requirements for running IIFP. He will also explain the key concepts of IIFP/MIIS in the context of GAL sync and then provide a short demo of IIFP in action. This involves demonstrating how mailbox-enabled User objects in one forest flow through to appear as Contact objects in a second forest. Finally he will provide tips on how to implement GAL Sync using the principle of "least privilege".


5:30ish drinks / pizza

Network with your peers and the speakers to ask questions and generally pick our brains and have a good time.