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NZ Tech Ed 2009 Call for Content

With TechEd North America now completed last week (you can visit TechEd online) we are kicking off the 2009 Tech Ed season here locally too. Australia and New Zealand events happen in September (8-11th for Australia, 14-16th New Zealand).

Planning is well underway for our local events and you can read more about hoteched-avatar-logow the event is shaping up over at Andrew Coates’ blog.

You may have noticed on Andrew’s blog there is a Call for Content. This means you can suggest a session that you would like to deliver at Tech Ed this year.

Here are the rules for submitting content and what we’ll cover/not cover if the track owners select your session(s).

All the way through the process you’ll be able to review your submission and track its status. This is the first time we’ve opened up the Call for Content publically like this and we’re likely to receive many more proposals than we’ve got slots to fill, so please don’t be disappointed if your submission isn’t selected.

Tips for Successful Submissions
  • Write a descriptive, fun and enticing title
  • Target 300-400 level technical content; 200 level content is in low demand
  • Describe content that is new, unique or significantly refreshed from a previous presentation.
  • Take a solution oriented approach
  • Align your topic to the technologies listed for the track
  • Ensure there is no marketing in your content
  • Showcase your speaking experience
  • Focus on currently released technologies, technologies in beta or technologies that will be released within 12 months of Tech·Ed
  • Include one or more live demos. Historically, sessions with strong demos receive higher audience scores
Submitting a topic

So how do you go about submitting a session? Go to the Call for Content tool and register with your email address and the RSVP code TechEdANZ. Fill in all the details and hit submit. You can come back to the site at any time to update or review the progress of your submission.
