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When it doubt, Bing it!

Multiple OrderForms in CS 2006

Quick post to expound on the multiple OrderForm functionality present in the Order Capture system in...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 01/12/2006

Sample CS 2006 code for applying and displaying discounts on a Basket

In this post I shall run through some basic sample Commerce Server 2006 runtime site code to create...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 01/03/2006

Commerce Server on Channel 9

Ryan, Mark and Max chatted about Commerce Server on Channel 9. Check it out here.

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 12/30/2005

Commerce Server 2006 Beta 1 is Live

It’s done. It’s official. It’s live. Our gift this holiday season to our customers is the Beta of...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 12/21/2005

Autonomous Vehicles - Coming soon to a road near you!

Looks like the time for autonomous vehicles is drawing near. A team from Standford recently managed...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 11/06/2005

Microsoft Giving Campaign and the action northeast trust

As some of you might know, currently the Microsoft Giving Campaign is going on which encourages...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/12/2005

Sudoku and other tools

Found these neat freeware utilities recommended in the latest issue of the PC World magazine:...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/12/2005

Commerce Server 2006 in the news

Looks like Commerce Server 2006 is getting some news coverage here and here. Things are warming up...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 09/08/2005

Whidbey End Game

Looks like the Whidbey end-game is starting, in spite of any and all requests for a Beta 3. Shawn...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 08/23/2005

(This Title has only got blanks and tabs and spaces...)

I knew someone would stand up one day for the rights of those poor old whitespaces. Such a pleasure...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 08/16/2005

Putting Mapping on the Map

Seems like the world of mapping is just exploding. Now we have a bunch of stuff coming out with...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 08/16/2005

David Messner joins Blogdom!

Sweeeeeeeeet! It is GREAT to finally have David Messner blogging on MSDN. David is the development...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 04/18/2005

Cool Tools for Commerce Server

If you work with Commerce Server you will find the following tools invaluable. These tools were...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 04/17/2005

Spot the Bug Contest #1 Solution: The mystery of the Decimal.Parse FormatException

Well - as promised here is the solution for the Spot the Bug (contest?) posting which was correctly...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 03/26/2005

SDET Memes

Starting to see a lot of good discussion about what it means to be a test developer and the...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 01/23/2005

Spot the Bug

Ran into this recently and thought it might be interesting. Can you try and spot the bug and the...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 01/23/2005

Grads Getting Good Guidance

Joel offers some great tips to Computer Science students (or really anyone in college who is a geek...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 01/16/2005

Are we there yet?

So have we reached the top of the graph predicted by Moore's law? Seems like it (if not the top,...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 12/31/2004

Ryan Donovan joins blogdom

Great to see that Ryan, the Group Program Manager of our team (Commerce Server) has started blogging...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 12/19/2004

What should an error dialog not look like?

How about this: But it sure made me laugh - wonder if that was the intent?

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 12/17/2004

Blogger on Auction

Going, going, gone! Sold for $3350! Jeremy Wright from Ensight recently sold his blogging services...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 12/17/2004

Blogs for the Masses

Just in case, you haven't heard the news - MSN has come out with the Beta of a new and fabulously...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 12/17/2004 on Commerce Server

Feels great to share the news that the 5th largest retailer in US (by fiscal year revenues) is now...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 12/01/2004

Starter Site - The Real Solution Site

If you have worked with Commerce Server 2002, you have probably used one of the Solution Sites which...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 11/29/2004

Adventure Works Images

If you have worked on Commerce Server 2002 then you have probably come across the Adventure Works...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 11/02/2004

Drag and Drop and GAC

Funny how some of the simplest things remain hidden from us - just got to know that a simple and...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 11/02/2004

Winter project is here!

Very nice MSDN Magazine article by Duncan Mackenzie in which he defines and builds a generic tool...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/29/2004

Next Random Number

I was expecting (and thus using in places) the Random.Next Method (Int32, Int32) to return a random...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/21/2004

ZDrop for eBay Sellers

Nice to read about this very cool tool, zDrop, running on Commerce Server which helps eBay sellers...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 10/05/2004

Pesticide Paradox

Just posted an article on the Pesticide Paradox and how Model Based Testing can help alleviate that...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 07/16/2004

Pesticide Paradox

In this article I will be attempting to explain one of the biggest (or what I feel is the biggest)...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 07/16/2004

ShipIt Baby!

Well it took it's time coming - but it's finally here. And just in time for my 3 year Microsoft...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 06/25/2004


Read about some "Ready-Built ASP.NET Components" (the English on that somehow doesn't sound right...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 06/20/2004

Quote of the Day

Loved this quote I got in my Quote of the Day RSS Feed by H. L. Mencken (no idea who he is though):...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 06/17/2004

Commerce Chat

Interested in discussing FP1, SP3 and the future roadmap of Commerce Server? Then join the Commerce...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 06/04/2004

Model Based Testing - The future is here!

Not sure if my article on Model Based Testing warranted an article or not (am not sure when exactly...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/30/2004

Model Based Testing – An Introduction

In this article I will attempt to give a brief overview of Model Based Testing (MBT) and provide...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/30/2004

Hinglish - Thanks to Baraha!

Discovered a really cool software some time back to help me type in Hindi. Problem was that I had...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/23/2004

Commerce Server 2002 Service Pack 3 Released!

Wow - we are on a roll! We just released Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Commerce Server 2002. It is...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/20/2004

Commerce Server 2002 Feature Pack 1 Released!

Yohoooo!!! Feature Pack 1 for Commerce Server 2002 has officially RTWed (which stands for Release To...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/18/2004

Pairwise Pruning

Pairwise Testing is such a cool thing if you ever have to deal with testing a program or an API that...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/09/2004

RSS Bandit Rocks

I knew about RSS Bandit but hadn't really tried it so far. Finally tired of SharpReader taking up...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 05/09/2004

Look who's Blogging!

Vinayak Tadas a Commerce Server developer just started blogging about CS tidbits. Really useful...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 04/30/2004


My gripe with WinForms continues – this time with providing Help in a WinForm application. As...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 04/15/2004

TreeView Plus

I was so sure that there just has to be a way to force the plus sign (+) displayed on the TreeView...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 04/11/2004

Query Analyzer output in color?

Was wondering if anyone knows about an add-on or some product which will let me add color to the...

Author: Nihit Kaul - MSFT Date: 03/27/2004

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