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Null or Empty Parameters May Indicate a Poorly Designed Constructor

Nuestro buen Javier Caceres amigo nos comparte su artículo:

Null or Empty Parameters May Indicate a Poorly Designed Constructor

When I think about the simplest yet powerful API in .Net I immediately remember the ADO.Net. This API is ruled by the KISS principle and it does not have more or less than necessary, just the enough. I say simple because the core functionality is made of less than 30 classes (but maybe only 3 of them are widely used) and powerful because it has served as the basis for advanced API’s like the Entity Framework or LINQ.

The most used classes and methods of the ADO.Net library has been the same since the .Net Framework 1.0. Few pieces of code remain the same for over 10 years. Now think about a well know class and remember how many constructors has. A class like the SqlCommand has 4 constructors and all of them make obvious the expected behaviour as follows:.


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Fernando García Loera (Community Program Manager – Latin America Region)

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