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MSDN Wars - Episode 1 - The Adventures of the MSDN Webcasts Guy

So I'm sitting at my desk yesterday trying to catch-up on email and what's been going on for the last three weeks, while I was out on military leave. I get an email yesterday afternoon from Chris O'Connor who had finally received his MSDN Webcasts guy from us. Interestingly enough, Chris tells me that he had placed his MSDN Webcasts guy on his desk, next to his Channel 9 guy, and a few days later, they were "kidnapped". No one in the office would confess to the kidnapping, but a few days later, Chris finds a CD on his desk with this "MSDN Wars – Episode 1" of the adventures of the Channel 9 guy and the MSDN Webcasts guy. Be sure to check out this short film called MSDN Wars – Episode 1. If anybody else has any short films of the MSDN Webcasts guy, I'd love to see it.


George, MSDN Webcasts


From: Chris O'Connor
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:42 PM
To: Georgeo Pulikkathara
Subject: FW: developer's fun - video clip - with Channel 9 guy - and MSDN webcast guy...



Thanks for the MSDN guy (whatever his name is !) As mentioned below, he's already been kidnapped by some of the other dev's here - but re-appeared on a video clip.


Might need to contact Scoble to grab the clip. I've sent him a login for a gmail account - about 4.5 MB file. (and can send the 22 MB full size version if you want... 640x480 version)...


Thanks again - and yep, I'll have to get a photo with MSDN guy - and send to you...





Chris O"C

From: Robert Scoble
Sent: Wednesday, 16 November 2005 1:19 PM
To: Chris O'Connor; Georgeo Pulikkathara
Subject: RE: developer's fun - video clip - with Channel 9 guy - and MSDN webcast guy...

I would love to see that! Can you put it on a server somewhere? I don’t have a publicly available server I can share at the moment.


From: Chris O'Connor
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 2:24 PM
To: Robert Scoble; Georgeo Pulikkathara
Subject: developer's fun - video clip - with Channel 9 guy - and MSDN webcast guy...

Hello Robert / George,


I've got an Channel 9 guy - AND recently received an MSDN webcast guy - and had them on my desk at work.  


Only lasted 2-3 days before some of the other developer's "kidnapped" them - no-one would own up to it...!! This morning, I found a CD on my desk with a WMV video clip of the two foam guys in an adventure with a T-Rex (kids toy)...!


Even has Star Wars style scrolling text - as "MSDN wars". CH.9 guy gets taken by the T-Rex - and MSDN Webcast guy uses his cape & flies like Superman to rescue him... Very funny - I'm sure you guys would get a laugh out of it...


Can I send it to you somehow ? And maybe put on the Ch-9 videos area ?? (it's 19 MB - would need to upload it somewhere)... Any suggestions ??




Chris O'Connor


Chris O'ConnorSenior Technical Product Specialist

Strategic Data Management
Reception : 03 9684 0100

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