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What you’ll need to submit for Imagine Cup World Citizenship Round 1

Round 1 -
During Round 1, you’ll be asked to submit the following materials:

  1. Overview Video to compete against other students from around the U.S. The video should address what your app’s premise is and what makes it innovative and desirable, as well as illustrate its key features.
  2. World Citizenship App usable by the judges
  3. World Citizenship App Instructions document explaining how to use your app
  4. Trailer video of thirty seconds to promote your app online

Want more details on the items above?

In addition, all entries must meet the following requirements for the Overview Video, World Citizenship App, World Citizenship App Instructions, and Trailer:

Overview Video
The Overview Video is a video in .WMV format that depicts the functionality of your Team’s app and provides an opportunity for your Team to reiterate what you are trying to achieve and why it’s great, as well as to demonstrate some of the key features. The emphasis of the video should be on the app itself; video production quality will not be scored in the judging process. Your Team should show the app in action.
If you have not captured video of software before, we recommend creating your screen capture using Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 Screen Capture which is available to students for free at DreamSpark.
The Overview Video must be submitted as a .WMV file which meets the following requirements:
1. Your Team’s video content must clearly address each of the Judging Criteria outlined in these rules.
2. The audio of the video can be in any language, but if the audio is not in the English language, the video must have English subtitles in order to be eligible. If a translator is needed, you are responsible for procuring one.
3. The video must include the Imagine Cup Intro Clip (the clip can be found and downloaded from at
4. The video must not exceed ten minutes, including the Imagine Cup Intro Clip.
5. The final .WMV video file must not exceed 250 MB.
6. Your Team’s app shown in the video must be fully functional and implemented. Previz, storyboards, concept art, and other mock-ups are not acceptable for the Overview Video.

World Citizenship App
We need to be able to use your app in order to judge it! The World Citizenship App is defined as an installable and usable app in the appropriate format for your chosen platform(s).
The World Citizenship App must meet the following requirements:
1. Your app must be in one of the following formats for installation:
a. SETUP.EXE or an .MSI file: a standard Windows Setup application to install your app on a Windows PC.
b. ZIP file: this ZIP file must contain your application and all dependencies required to use your app. Judges will extract your app to a local folder on a Windows PC and run the app from that folder.
c. XAP file: A Windows Phone setup file for deployment to phone devices.
2. The app must be no more than 300MB. No source code is permitted and apps will be disqualified if they are submitted as development projects.
3. If your app includes and/or requires Kinect support you must include this as a requirement in the World Citizenship App Instructions document.
4. If your app includes and/or requires touchscreen/slate capabilities, you must include this as a requirement in the World Citizenship App Instructions document.
5. If your app requires internet access, you must include this as a requirement in the World Citizenship App Instructions.
6. The installation process of your app must not require the internet to complete successfully, if you use ClickOnce you must ensure it includes your entire app and does not attempt to retrieve components from online.
7. It is acceptable to support multiple languages in your app as long as English is one of the represented languages.

World Citizenship App Instructions
The World Citizenship App Instructions document is an electronic document that informs the judges and prospective users how to setup and use your app.
The World Citizenship App Instructions must meet the following requirements:
1. The instructions must be submitted as either a document in .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF, .PPT, or .TXT file formats or a graphic image as a .JPG file.
2. It must be submitted in English.

The Trailer is a video that can serve to advertise your app on the Imagine Cup website to showcase your entry and must meet the following requirements:
1. The video must not exceed thirty seconds in duration.
2. The file must not exceed 50MB in size.
3. The video must be in .WMV or .MP4 format.