Partilhar via

Speaking at Tech Ed, India this Saturday

Rajesh Sampath and I will be speaking at Tech ED India (or Techmela as it’s called in its new incarnation, which is an amalgamation of Tech ED, Mix, MEDC and ITPC all happening at the same time, same place!). We will deliver a talk titled Model Driven Development using Microsoft Domain Specific Language Tools. We will start with a background on Model Driven Development, touch upon Software Factories and then dive deep into Domain Specific Language Tools, what they are, how you can create your own Domain Specific Language and at the end take a look at an implementation of a DSL within Microsoft IT.

So if you are in Mumbai attending TechMela this Saturday (16th June) and are interested in Domain Specific Languages then do drop by for our session slated at 16.20.

Update: The Slide Deck from our session can be downloaded from here. Some demo video's of our DSL's are here and here.
