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First IASA meeting in Stockholm

On Thuesday evening this week I went to the first IASA (International Association of Software Architects) meeting in Stockholm to see what it was all about. According to the woman managing registrations there were about 170 people attending the event, which I think was quite good for a first gathering. Today I talked to another person who attended the meeting and he described it as "a room full of men in the ages 30-50" which was very much on the spot, I don't recall seeing a single woman there!

Back to the substance of the meeting... As this was the first meeting the chapter president Daniel Aknini (Architect Evangelist at Microsoft) made an introduction to the history and purpose of IASA, then followed a number of short talks by some of the leading architects in the Stockholm region (Sten Sundblad, Per Björkegren and Peter Tallungs). There also one academic guest speaker (Erik Johansson) and Mikael Freidlitz from the central IASA organization.

So, is this something for me? Will it strengthen my professionalism as an architect? My thinking is that this sounds interesting and I would like to follow its progress, so I joined IASA yesterday!

For those of you who understand Swedish you can read more about the the meeting (and download the presentation) at