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Around extensibility and integration

Beeing at quite a lot customer sites the last weeks I am really excited that it seems to make more and more fun talking to customers and partners about Team System. One big reason for me is that our partner and "Open Source" Ecosystem gets broader and broader. These days I more and more point my customers to TeamPrise Eclipse integration. What these guys have built is really great. A fully fleched TFS - Eclipse integation that they just added value through delivering NANT scripts and Cruise Control integration. I really encourcage you to have a deep look into their offering unter . Or just look at the 10 minutes demo they offer under:

As many of you may know, the Microsoft Open Source Plattform CodePlex is based on TFS. This enables a great IDE experience when using Visual Studio 2005. To make this interessting to the Eclipse comunity as well Teamprise announced that they offer free Teamprise licences for CodePlex users:


Another realy exciter for me has been the announcement of devBiz aquisition with the availability of the WebAccess to all out customers. See my former post on this topic. It is great to see how customers get really excited when they these the possibility for Non-Developer Roles and the great functinality TeamPlain offers.

And yesterday I had a further look on CodePlex finding this smart little solution called Fissum. Fissum is a Tray Icon that enables you direct access to Team Systems Work Item system, on your fingertips. A real small but great exciter you should look at:  



And don't forget to look at other TFS CodePlex projects.

And when I would ever get sad telling these stories, what really didn't happen yet, I won't have any problems holding my personal motivation to a top with telling details on our just disclosed roadmap...

From a Tech Sales perspective these days are really fun and busy wih more and more custromers coming on stage and wanting to get an deep insight on Team System. In my opinion a great success that has just began to rock....

Looking forward to the next month with Team System and more exciting news!