Sample form using listview
Recently I was clearing up my documents and I came across this sample I made. Thought it might be useful to someone out there and here it is.
It’s basically something like a form but which dynamically grows as and when you fill up the rows. So the typical ‘Add New Row’ button is missing. J… Red (more like pink) rows indicate values being empty; green being obvious. :) .. Typically, you would be using a combobox instead of the textbox. It would result in a better perf experience.
The code is simple using a listview which is bound to the data. This might look very familiar to Product Studio if you have used it ;)
Code is attached
April 01, 2007
the files were not all there to open , i wasted 15 minutes , thanks alot!Anonymous
April 16, 2007
the files are attached... could you try again pls.