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Setting build environment to target Windows Vista Sp1

You can use the switches shown below to target different operating systems from within the SDK build environment. To target Windows Vista you should use the /vista switch. To target Windows Vista Sp1 (or Windows 2008) you should use the /2008 switch. Launch the Windows SDK build environment (Start, All Programs, Microsoft Windows SDK, CMD Shell) and change directories to the \Bin folder. At the prompt, type setenv /[desired OS switch]

For a listing of the available switches, type:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Bin>setenv /?

Usage: "Setenv [/Debug | /Release][/x86 | /x64 | /ia64][/vista | /xp | /2003 | /

2008 ][-h or /?]"

/Debug - Create a Debug configuration build environment

/Release - Create a Release configuration build environment

/x86 - Create 32-bit x86 applications

/x64 - Create 64-bit x64 applications

/ia64 - Create 64-bit ia64 applications

/vista - Windows Vista applications

/xp - Create Windows XP SP2 applications

/2003 - Create Windows Server 2003 applications

/2008 - Create Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista Sp1 applications


  • Anonymous
    November 19, 2007
    You can use the switches shown below to target different operating systems from within the SDK build